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- Central polygon, spheric, 77.
- Central wheels, 431.
- Centroids, 63, 128, 148, 193, 590.
- Centroids, determination of, 65.
- Centroids in crank-train, 67.
- Centroids of spur-wheels, 70.
- Centroids, reduced, 70.
- Ceutroids as profiles, 164.
- Centroids, secondary, 74, 155.
- Centroids having infinite branches, 67, 74.
- Centroids of higher pairs, 118, 132.
- Chain, kinematic, 46, 502.
- Chain, simple, 49, 545.
- Chain, compound, 49, 569.
- Chain and pair-closure, 180.
- Chain and force-closure, 181.
- Chain-closure, 289.
- Chain-closure of dead-points, 188, 289, 571.
- Chain-closure of elements, 178.
- Chain-wheels, 453.
- Chamber and piston, 344.
- Chamber click-trains, 459.
- Chamber-crank trains, 344.
- Chamber-wheel trains, 403.
- Change positions or points, 192, 571.
- Chariots, ancient, 599.
- Chinese scoop-wheel, 207.
- Chubb, 466.
- Circular sliding-pairs, 181.
- Clack valve, 475.
- Class symbols, 252.
- Classification of constructive elements, 481.
- Clearance in toothed-wheels, 237.
- Click-trains, fluid, 474.
- Click-trains, in chamber-gear, 459.
- Click-wheels and gear, 455.
- Clip-drum, 541.
- Clocks, 498, 504, 519.
- Clock-springs, 185.
- Clock-work, notation for, 249.
- Closed kinematic chain, 46, 502.
- Closed pairs of elements, 87, 142.
- Closure, chain, 183.
- Closure, force, 183.
- Closure, pair, 179.
- Closure, complete, 183.
- Closure of chains by elements, 191.
- Closure of flectional elements, 183.
- Clutches, 445, 469.
- Cochrane, Lord, 363, 368, 369, 371, 381, 384.
- Cocks, 475.
- Collars of shafts, 91.
- Combined chains, 572.
- Common point-paths, 126.
- Communicator, the, 487.
- Complete machines, 202, 488, 502, 505.
- Complexity of modern machines, 239.
- Compound chains, 49, 265, 569.
- Compound chamber-wheel trains, 425.
- Compound epicyclic trains, 431.
- Compound spur-wheel trains, 267, 426, 574.
- Concentral point-paths, 129.
- Concentral roulettes, 129.
- Condie's steam-hammer, 95.
- Cones of instantaneous axes, 78.
- Conic chamber-trains, 384.
- Conic double slider-crank, 388.
- Conic quadric crank-chains, 327, 384.
- Conic rolling, 77.
- Conic slider-crank, 329.
- Conic swinging cross-block, 391.
- Conic turning cross-block, 393.
- Connecting rods, 454.
- Conplane motion, 64.
- Constant breadth, figures of, 129.
- Constrained closure, 484.
- Constrained motion, 46, 87.
- Constructive elements, 436, 480.
- Contracted formulæ, 263, 270.
- Contrapositive chains, 181, 184.
- Converse antiparallel cranks, 2UO.
- Cooke, 381.
- Coriolis, 11.
- Corliss' valve-gear, 240, 450.
- Coupled-engines, 200.
- Coupler, 284, 454.
- Couplings, 292, 445, 483.
- Cramer, 362.
- Cranes, 490, 499, 519.
- Cranks, 284, 454.
- Crank-chains, 187, 283.
- Cross-block, 313.
- Cross-bow, 222, 228.
- Crossed crank-chains, 550.
- Crossed screw-chains, 555.
- Crossed slider-crank chain, 318.
- Crossed slide-trains, 322.
- Crossed swinging block, 319.
- Crossed turning slider-crank, 319.
- Cross-heads, 454.
- Curb-train, 459.
- Curtate point-paths, 126.
- Curtate trochoids, 592.
- Curve-pentagon, 140.
- Curve-square, 132.
- Curve-triangle, 131, 145.
- Cutters, 441.
- Cylinder-chains, 549.
- Cylinder of instantaneous axes, 65.
- Cylinder pair, 90, 256.
- Cylindric crank-trains, table of, 323.
- Cylindric rolling, 69.
- Cylindric slider-crank chain, 294, 301.
- Dakeyne, 386.
- Dalgety and Ledier, 365.
- Dart, 420.
- Davey's reversing gear, 320.
- Davies, 363, 386, 390, 391, 393, 425.
- Dawes, 196, 355.