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Remuneration of Labor

55. The remuneration of wage earners for work in enterprises, establishments and institutions employing paid labor, and the particular conditions and manner of payment shall be fixed by tariffs worked out for each kind of labor in the manner described in Sections 7–9 of the present Code.

56. All institutions working out the tariff rates must comply with the provisions of this article of the Code of Labor Laws.

57. For the purpose of fixing the tariff rates and determining the standard rates of remuneration, all the wage earners of a trade shall be divided into groups and categories and a definite standard of remuneration shall be fixed for each of them.

58. The standard of remuneration fixed by the tariff rates must be at least sufficient to provide for the minimum living expenses as determined by the People’s Commissariat of Labor for each district of the Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic and published in the Compilation of Laws Regulations of the Workmen's and Peasants' Government.

59. In determining the standard of remuneration for each group and category attention shall be given to the kind of labor, the danger of the conditions under which the work is performed, the complexity and accuracy of the work, the degree of independence and responsibility as well as the standard of education and experience required for the performance of the work.

60. The remuneration of each wage earner shall be determined by his classification in a definite group and category.

61. The classification of wage earners into groups and categories within each branch of labor shall be done by special valuation commissions, local and central, established by the respective trade unions.