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Rules Concerning Unemployed and Payment of Subsidies

1. "Unemployed" shall mean every citizen of the Russian Socialist Federated Soviet Republic subject to labor duty who is registered with the local Department of Labor Distribution as being out of work at his vocation or at the remuneration fixed by the proper tariff.

2. "Unemployed" shall likewise mean:

(a) Any person who has obtained employment for a term not exceeding two weeks (Section 25 of the present Code);

(b) Any person who is temporarily employed outside his vocation, until he shall obtain work at his vocation (Sections 29 and 30 of the present Code).

3. The rights of unemployed shall not be extended—

(a) To persons who in violation of Sections 21. 24 and 29 of the present Code, have evaded the labor duty, and refused work offered to them;

(b) To persons not registered as unemployed with the local Department of Labor Distribution (Section 21 of the present Code);

(c) To persons who have wilfully quit work, during the term specified in Section 53 of the present Code.

4. All persons described in Section 1 and subdivision "b" of Section 2 of these Rules shall be entitled to permanent employment (for a term exceeding two weeks) at their vocation in the order of priority determined by the list of the Department of Labor Distribution for each vocation.

5. Persons described in Section 1 and subdivision "b" of Section 2 of these Rules shall be entitled to a subsidy from the local fund for unemployed.

6. The subsidy to unemployed provided in Section 1 of the present Rules shall be equal to the remuneration fixed by the tarilf for the group and category to which