Page:The Labor Laws of Soviet Russia (1920).pdf/7

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MR. REDFIELD is of opinion that under Soviet law "labor is put back into a state of serfdom and oppression the like of which has not been known for a century." The Soviet government has "imposed a tyranny which has deprived labor of all the rights and privileges hitherto attained." The laborer has become "virtually a serf bound to his job."

"A reading of this code shows clearly," exclaims Mr. Redfield, "how far the autocracy at Moscow has gone in the direction of reaction and destruction of the liberty and right of the individual." Mr. Redfield's indictment of the Soviet tyranny is set forth in five counts.

1. All able-bodied citizens of Soviet Russia between 16 and 50 are subject to compulsory labor.

2. All workers are classified by the authorities and are subject to wage scales and labor conditions laid down by the authorities.

3. A wage earner is not permitted to change from one job to another except by special permission of the labor authorities.

4. A wage earner is not allowed to work for pay during his leave of absence.

5. Every laborer must carry a labor booklet which is like a passport.