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are no bounds, no walls, no enclosures, to restrain him. No lords of the soil are here, to claim territory and to exclude his neighbours no roads, no paths, to mark the route. No one is in the way of another ; there is ample room and space for all.'

"We were running rapidly on our course, and had entered far into the latitude of the West India islands, when early one morning, the cry of Wreck, ho!' from a man who had been sent aloft, on the top-gallant yard, to overhaul some of the steering sail gear, attracted the attention of every one, fore and aft, even to the old black cook, who issued from the galley with a pan of ham and eggs in his hand, and became so absorbed in the interest of the scene, that some of the tars, possessed of more appetite than curiosity, lightened the dish of its savory contents, and afforded us a hearty laugh at poor Cuffee's expense, who had not perceived the act, and expressed the most unfeigned astonishment at the unaccountable disappearance of the skipper's breakfast.

"My interest became painfully wrought up, as we drew nearer the shorn hulk, which lay helpless, and apparently tenantless , in the trough of the sea; for of all objects of desolation and distress, none can present a more forlorn spectacle to my eye, or induce so sad a train of reflection , as a wreck at sea -unguided, and alone. She was a large ship, her masts gone by the board, and remnants of rigging hanging over the side, here and there, in such a careless manner, as seemed to indicate that no attempt had been made to repair the damages done her. The bulwark planking was torn off in several places from the staunchions; and her stern-boat, staved, hung from the davitts by but one fall.

"The pirates have been here at work,' said the captain, who had been for some minutes intently reconnoitering her. 'Man the boat,' he added, turning to the chief mate; ' perhaps some poor fellow still survives on board. I have known men to escape, by concealing themselves until the incarnate devils had left their prey.'

"The jolly boat was instantly lowered, and I, with the chief mate, jumped into her, while the brig was hove to, a little to windward. In a few moments we were alongside the ship, and by the aid of the remnants of rigging, clambered easily upon deck, which was hardly reached, when a dog rushed out of the hurricane-house, with a fierce bark at first, and then with a piteous whine came cringing and wagging his tail up to me. Butho, Tackle ! what a dreadful spectacle that deck presented!