Page:The Ladies of the White House.djvu/142

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Libertatem. Amicitiam. Fidem Retinebis.
D. O. M.
Beneath these walls,
Are deposited the mortal remains of


Son of John and Susanna (Boylston) Adams,
Second President of the United States,
Born 19/30 October, 1735.
On the fourth of July, 1776,
He pledged his life, fortune, and sacred honour.
To the Independence of his country.

On the third of September, 1783,
He affixed his seal to the definitive treaty with Great Britain,
Which acknowledged that independence,
And consummated the redemption of his pledge.
On the fourth of July, 1826,
He was summoned
To the Independence of Immortality
And to the judgment of his God.
This house will bear witness to his piety;
This Town, his birth-place, to his munificence;
History to his patriotism;
Posterity to the depth and compass of his mind.
At his side,
Sleeps, till the trump shall sound,


His beloved and only wife.
Daughter of William and Elizabeth (Quincy) Smith.
In every relation of life a pattern
of filial, conjugal, maternal, and social virtue.
Born November 11/22, 1744,
Deceased 28 October, 1818,
Aged 74.
Married 25 October, 1764."