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A Visit to the Pyramids, . . . . . . = 16
A Chapter on 4 Old Coats, .... 2. 38
uiet Ru rr
4 Since . " ee ee we ee ew el CULT
ATaleofGalway, . ....... 95
A Heroine's Hand, ee oe ee ew ew es «(109
Adelaide de Foix—Original, | 1 11 ial
le Foix. winal, . . ... 132
Ancient Recipe, . . ....... 2161
Artificial Pearls MeHg 200? 166
a aHarp,......41
A Chinese Dinner Party, oe ew ew we BOA
A Tale of the Alhambra, . ... . . 239
A Mother's Love,. . . . .... . 239
A Father's Advice to his Daughter, ©. . 267
Advice toa Bride, ...... . . 286
Appearance of the Dead, . . . . . . 296
Blind Man's Buf'at Court, . . . . . 103
Baron Trenck and the Princess Amelia, . 111
Capacity of Blacks, . . . ... =. =. 93
Chance of a Watering Place, . . . . . 98
Garitianity, | ee ee ew we we we we Cd
Carrol] ©’ iy and Echo, ~ oe 8 ew ee 205
Calamities of Carving, . . .... . @4l
Christ blessing lite Children, oe eo 273
Cathemire Shawls, oe ee ww we OE
Death of Mohammed, ...... - 80
D’Aubigne, . . . . . ..... ~ 312
E °
Expectation, .......... 25
Evening, ........64 2... 5O
. Embroidery, sie ee ew we we we) 678, 256
FE:xtraordinary Monument,. . . . . . 112
Equality,. . . .....+-..-. 160
Excurswa to Mvoli, . . ... =.=. - 164
Fata M F : 8
a organa,. . .-......-
Friendship’s Offering, . ...... «9
Frank Finlay, te ee ee ee ee BS
Faded Hours, . ........s- 7
Fare thee well, . . 2. . 2... 2 + «(177
Furness Abbey, . . . . . . - . - 244
+Parewell,. 2. 0. 6.06.05 1 ee ew ee 289
Female Sentimentalists,. . . . . . . 296
Gossamer Spider,. . . . . .. =. ~~. 387
Games of the Ancient Romans, . . . . 195
He Cameat Morn, ......-.- =. H4
History of tbe Violin, . . .... -. 160
1 .
J u—illudrated, . . . . . . 25
Jonabe, Last Meeting—eet to Musiq . - 163
have no Time for Study, . . . . . . 215)
i I h 4l
Latest Engtsh Head Dreesce,” |. ‘52, 194
Love's Yo oe ee we ew ew OD

Lace Work,. . . . . + + 2 « » 156
London Female Fashions, . . . . . . 169
Let us Depart,. . . .- .. +... 954
Life, . . 1. . 6 1 © eo eo ew ew ee 2B
Love, . . 2. 1. 6 1 ee ew ew ew ew ew OB
° ?
My Daughter's Scrap Box 7. og
y ter’s Scra o 6 ee
Mary the Prude, ee errr
Mary's Bower, . . . » - - - + + » 9
Meditations, a “0
Ott0B, awn te
Mysterious Numbers, . . .. . . = @
Monomania,. ... .-.++«.s«#+-+«e« @
Masked Balls, . . ...-.-..2.- OT
Maternal Traitsof Feeling, . .... 9
My Father Land, ......-.+.. 105
Margaret Sunderland, ...... .- 199
Mechanic Arts in China, . .... .- 161
My Portrait, .......... i
Madam Malibran,. . . ..... - 940
Marseillaise Hiya, oe ew ew ew we BB
Marian llustrated, . . . : . . 273
Mark Gherrit’s Ring, . . . . . . + 908
Milton, . . . . 1.2. 2. 2.51. -
Napoleon Bonaparte—sii wetraied, . . . 16
Napoleon ataBall, ....... -.- S88
Nelson's Monument, . . ...... ®
0 be C . '
D revisiting the Country,. . ..° - gs
Origin of Rings, . . . 6 2 es eo ow
OoDeath, 2D ii ilos
Oh say not that my Heart is vain—eef & .
onan, a iB
m Woman,. .. . - - ee + .
Oh for shame little Cupid 'twas you—-elNe —-
Music, 2 6 6 6 ew et te ms
On Music, e . . e eo ef ¢ © 8© @© of °
P ; L
Philadelphia Fashions for January le
illustrated, oe ew ew ew ee eh He OUD
Popular Traditions, . . . --.. + - @
PortraitofaBoy,...--+--+-++.» @
Pickle Eaters, . . . . +--+. 2. @
Prayer in the Wilderness, . . . . . - 9
Prayer at Sea, after Victory,. . . -. . 108
Power of regulating Dreams,. . . . . 18
Philadelphia Fashions for April 1832, . -. 168
Planetary Atmospheres, . oe oe we WB
Pour et Contre, . ... - +... - 857
Passion, . . 2. 2 2 6 © © @ - 83
Palace of Versailles, . . . . . - - « 33
Reminiscences of a Juris-C. ft, - «
ww we ee dD, 66, 212, 723, m3
Religion, . - . - - 2 oe we we
| Recipes, . . . . . - 64,0 190, 168, S16
Random Thoughts, 11... 2. 16Y
Rivers, ..-- ++ +--+ +--+ @ Sf
- Rose of the Desert—eet to Music, . . . B74
Remarkable Phenomenon,. .... - 30
Remem se 8 oe ew
Roger Clovelly — tine o ote ee OO
Rhapsodies by a Rambler,. . . -. .- Bl
Scipio's Shield 6
Stansae—Come to the Fields and Woods, 8