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provided for to the great joy of the faculty. The result is that the classes are doubled in number. This year the names of eighty-one students are on their roll, and this will probably soon rise to the requirement of accepting one hundred candidates every year.

The faculty gratefully acknowledge in their report the providential aid which so opportunely come to their assistance:

“Several friends have given $1,000 to found scholarships. As mentioned, Rev. E. S. and Mrs. E. R. Kiplinger gave $2,000 to build a lecture hall. A worthy physician gave his gold watch and jewels, worth $350, and laid the foundation of a library, for which also an officer in India contributed some $2,000. A sum of $2,000 was contributed by many friends to build a Butler Hall in memory of the founder of the Mission. We have now a total endowment of about $45,000, with buildings worth some $18,500. Many friends are sending very valuable aid for students and greatly enlarging our opportunity. We hope such help will continue.”

Nor is the training of a native ministry all that this precious institution is doing for the work in India. There is here, in addition, a “Christian Woman's Training School,” in charge of Mrs. M. E. Scott and Mrs. S. Dease, with Mrs. Mukerje and three teachers, for the training of the wives of the married students, which has been kept up for the past twenty years. These women are taught to read and write in Hindi and Urdu, and then take a regular course of Bible study and other subjects that prepare them to work among the women of the country. Forty-eight such are now enrolled, and one hundred and sixty have taken the course and gone out prepared to work in the villages and zenanas, as the necessity demanded, side by side with their husbands.

But the faculty need more financial help, and need it at once. Teachers have to be paid, appliances furnished, and many wants met. They greatly need a teacher of music (which is a very effective evangelistic agency in this field), and also an instructor