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are living and at work. Is there any other society that can show a higher percentage of surviving missionaries at their work after thirty-five years of toil in India?

We next present the educational statistics of the work in its different aspects, from the simple school to the college and theological seminary, for the culture of these thousands and their families, and for the training of a divinely-called native ministry to guide and guard this work of God in the future that lies before it.

Number of
Number of
Number of
Day-schools 1,202 1,401 31,734
Sunday-schools 1,823 2,185 70,794
Boarding and high schools 14 34 1,346
Orphanages, boys 5 16 296
Christian colleges, male (363 preparatory) 1 5 49
Christian colleges, female (151 preparatory) 1 4 6
Medical students in Agra College, male .. .. 7
Medical students in Agra College, female .. .. 21
Theological Seminary, Bareilly (206 graduates) 1 5 81
Training school for wives of students (178 graduates) 1 3 45
W. F. M. S. female orphanages 8 27 368
W. F. M. S. homes for homeless women 3 9 100
W. F. M. S. pupils in schools and zenanas
(besides 32,000 patients in hospitals and dispensaries in 1893) 302 345 31,259

Total 3,361 4,034 136,106

This table illustrates how thoroughly every interest of this foreign mission bearing on the evangelization and elevation of a great people, and looking to its wide extension among them, has been attended to.

It may be doubted if converts anywhere have ever sought Christian baptism under a more intelligent impulse than what has led these thousands to us. Look at the facts. For thirty-five years our agency has been going through their villages teaching the way of salvation, distributing the Holy Scriptures, tracts, and books among them. We have also been giving a Christian