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(The common spelling is given In Italic, followed by the correct or phonetic spelling in Roman.)
Ab ’Ab Water; e.g., Do-ab, two waters; Punj-ab, five waters
Abad ’Abád A dwelling or city, as Allah-abad, City of God
Adawlat Adálat A court of justice.
Admee ’Admí A man.
Allah Alláh The Arabic or Mohammedan name of God.
Alum ’Alam The universe, or world.
Ameen Amín A native Judge.
Amreeta Amrit The water of immortality; the ambrosia of the Hindoo gods.
Anna ’Aná A coin; the sixteenth of a rupee, worth three cents.
Ap ’Ap Your Honor.
Asman ’Asmán Heaven; the firmament or sky.
Asoor Asur A devil, an evil spirit.
Ata ’Atá Flour, meal.
Attar Itr Essence, or rose oil.
Avatar Autár An incarnation; particularly of Vishnu, nine of which have taken place, the tenth is yet to come.
Ayah ’Ayáh A maid or nurse.
Baboo Bábú Hindoo title of respect; sir, gent
Bagh Bágh A garden or grove.
Bahadoor Bahádur Brave, title of rank.
Bajra Bájrá A kind of millet.
Bana Báná The Word; the so-called sacred writings of the Bhuddists.
Bandy Bándí A gig or cart.
Banghy Bahangí A pole with ropes, for carrying baggage on the shoulder.
Bangle Bangle A bracelet.
Bap Báp Father.
Baraduree Bárádarí A building with twelve doors. A summer-house in a garden.
Barat Barát Marriage ceremony of bringing home the bride.
Basun Básan A plate, dish, or vessel.
Bavurchee Báwarchí A cook.
Bawarcheekana  Báwarchikhána  A cooking-place or kitchen.
Bazaar Bázár A market or trading-street.
Beegah Bíghá A land measure; about one third of an acre, but differing in the various provinces of India.