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Maha Yug Mahá Jug A celestial age in Hindoo chronology, including 12,000 divine years, each of which is equal to 360 solar years, the Maha-Yug being equal to 4,320,000 years of mortals.
Mahout Mahaut An elephant-keeper and driver.
Malik Málik Master, lord, ruler.
Malee Málí A gardener.
Manjee Mánjhí Master of a vessel; a steersman.
Meidan Maidan A plain, ground, field-of-battle.
Mela Mela Hindoo fair or festival held for religious or commercial purposes.
Menu Menu author of the legal and religious Code of the Hindoos.
Methur Mihtar A sweeper.
Mithuranee Mihtarání A low-caste nurse.
Minar Mínár A tower, minaret, obelisk.
Mirza Mirza Prince, sir.
Mochee Mochí A shoemaker.
Mohulla Mahalla Quarter, district, division.
Mohur Muhr A gold coin, valued at sixteen rupees or eight dollars.
Mohurrum Muharram The first month of the Mohammedan year.
Moolk Mulk Country, region.
Moonshee Munshí A teacher of languages, usually a Mohammedan.
Moonsif Munsif Arbitrator, Judge.
Mootee Motí A pearl.
Moulah Moulah A Mohammedan priest, doctor, teacher.
Moulvie Maulví A learned Mohammedan.
Muntra Mantra Mystic verses or incantations of the Brahmins.
Musjeed Masjid A mosque; Mohammedan place of worship.
Mussal Mashál A light or torch.
Mussalchee Mashálchí A link-boy, torch-bearer.
Mussruk Mashk A leathern bottle for carrying water.
Mussulman Musalmán A term used, like Moslem, to denote all who believe in the Koran.
Musnud Masnad A throne, a royal seat.
Muezzin Muazzin The person who calls the Mohammedans to prayer,
Naib Náib Deputy or viceroy.
Namaz Namáz Prayer, (Mohammedan term.)
Nana Náná Maternal grandfather.
Nautch Nátch The dance, ball, etc.
Nabob Nawáb A Mohammedan title, viceroy, governor.
Nazim or Nizam  Nizám Ruler.
Nimmuk Namak Salt.
Nimmuk-haram Namak-harám  A traitor to his “covenant of salt.”
Noor Núr Splendor, light.
Nubee Nabí A prophet.
Nuddee Nadí A stream, river.
Nugger Nagar A town, village, city.
Nullah Nullah A water-course, a ravine.
Nuzzur Nazar An offering.