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Agra, tomb of Etmad-od-Doulah at, view and description of 151-156
Almorah, flight to 282
Aristocracy of India, habits and life of 55
Astronomy of the Hindoos 82
Azeemoolah Khan, agent of Nana Sahib 182
———, treachery of, at Cawnpore 296, 301
Baboo Duckinarunjun Mookerjee, reply of, to Lord Ellenborough 360
Bahadur Khan, visit to, in prison 443
———, trial and death of 446
Bajee Rao, the Peishwa of Poonah 178
Bareilly, Dr. Butler's arrival at 221
——— and Boston, singular coincidence at 258
———, battle of 438
———, day of small things at 223
———, desperate charge of Ghazees at battle of 439
———, destruction at 257
———, Dr. Butler's return to 441
———, massacre at 246
———, Mission-house and Orphanage of 517
———, our first visitor at 221
———, preaching at, before Havelock's men 442
———, warning to flee from 234
Baugh, Major, escape of his lady from Moradabad 263
Bentinck, Lord William, abolishes Suttee 394
Bhagvat Geeta, the, a sacred book 24
———, its rules of moral perfection for Yogees 202
———, rejects the common origin of our race 24
Bowhill, Dr., communication from, before Delhi 289
Brahma, the length of his “Days” and “Nights” 77
Brahmin, portrait of a 21
———, assumptions and prerogatives of a 28
———, definition of the term 24
———, import of investing a, with the sacrificial cord 24, 31
———, legal discriminations in favor of a 33
———, oath and salutations of a 32, 34
———, person and property of a, inviolate 493
———, the four stages of life of a 31-37
———, whimsical rules of action for a 34
Brahmins, arrogant claims of the 20
Brahmins no longer the learned class of India 38
———, forms of devotion of the 27
———, the priestly caste 28
———, Vanaprastha, or hermit life of the 35
Bullubghur, Nawah of, address of, at his trial 426
Butler, Dr., arrival of, at Bareilly 221
———, arrival of, at Cawnpore 413
———, last sermon of, at Bareilly, before the flight to Nynee Tal 235
———, midnight ride through the Himalayan forest 284
———, prayer of, in the jungle 239
———, perils of, in the wilderness 283
———, preaching for Havelock's men 442
———, return of, to Bareilly 441
Campbell, Sir Colin, appointed Commander-in-chief 272
———, laconic reply of 273
———, meets with Havelock and Outram 353
———, starts for Lucknow 352
Campbell, the martyred, last letter of, to Dr. Butler 463
Carpenter, Miss, her patronage of the Brahmo Somaj 93
Caste, origin and divisions of 23, 30
———, exclusiveness of 30
Castes, Hindoos divided into four 23, 24
———, import of the term 23
Cawnpore, surrender at, to Nana Sahib 300
———, breaking out of rebellion at 295
———, captured one day too late 309
———, General Wheeler's preparations for the defense of 294
———, Havelock's men at the well of 310
———, situation of 294
———, the massacre of the ladies at 307
———, the “Well” at, two views of 311
———, treachery of Nana Sahib at 300
———, view of “House of Massacre” at 304
Chandalas, cruel law concerning, 32
Christ, his government of men explains the changes and overthrow of empires and religions 163
Christianity opposed to the fundamental principles of Hindooism 23, 29, 31
——— alone creates a true home 57
——— the friend of native education 38
——— woman's highest charter of rights 487