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Hindoos, condition of, in the time of Alexander the Great 89
———, French rule deprecated by the 365
———, geography of the 80
———, literature of the 95-100
———, mythology of the 79
———, passion of, for display 59-62
———, portraits of four 17
———, the, an effeminate people 18
———, their methods of measuring time 78
Hindustani estimates of British rule, by Baboo Duckinarunjun Mockerjee 361
——— by Baboo Keshub Ohunder Sen 368
——— by Baboo Bholonauth Chunder 365, 369-370
———. by Satyendra Nath Tagore 366
———, by the “Som Prukash” 365
———, from “Sleeman's Recollections” 371
Home, its true sense unknown in India 56
Hunooman, the Mars of India 98
India, capacity for self-government wanting in 72, 429
———, civil and religious statistics of 67
———, diversity of races in 66
———, first Mohammedan conquest in 204
———, greater than Europe, leaving out Russia 69
———, habits, education, and amusements of the aristocracy of 54-58
———, languages spoken in 68
———, names of, and their significance 70
———, number of British troops in, in 1856 73
———, style of dress of gentlemen of 49
———, style of dress of a lady of 42
———, trade, railroads, telegraphs, and wealth of 70
———, value of, to England 73
Infanticide, female 470-476
———, the, in the Lucknow Court 453
Inglis, Lady, testimony of, to the soothing influence of prayer 331
Irishman, the, blown up with the Muchee Bawun fort 327
———, the, in Lucknow court 453
Iron Pillar, description of the 167
———, import of inscription on 168
———, its mystery 168
———, the palladium of Hindoo dominion 167
Jain Temple, in Delhi, visit to 417
Janvier, Joel T. 550
Joel, the first native helper of the M. E. Church in India 214
———, escape of, from Bareilly 259
———, joyful meeting of, with Dr. Butler, on the road to Meerut 434
———, portrait of 215
Jones, Sir William, facetious designation of Polyandry by 497
Judson, Mrs. Ann Hazeltine, grave of, at Amherst 156
Jumma Musjid, desecration of 418
Jungle, the prayer in the 239
Kalika Purana, the, quoted 399
Kali Yug, the 76
Kama-dera, the Hindoo Cupid, Prayers addressed to 479
Keshub Chunder Sen, representation of Vedic teaching by 92
———, opinion of missionaries of 367
Khan Bahadur, his treachery and cruelty 237, 269
———, his trial and death 446
———, visit to, in prison 443
Koh-i-noor diamond, its last possessor 50
Kootub Minar, view of the 157
———, origin and object of 161
———, peerless majesty of 159
———, the monument of a dead city and a dying faith 163
Kshotriya, caste of the 29
Kurnaul, Nawab of, noble conduct of, during the rebellion 280
Lady of India, portrait of a 40
Lalla Rookh, quotation from, mistake of the poet corrected 119
Lawrence, Sir John, noble conduct of during the rebellion 406
———, official paper of, issued in behalf of justice to native Christians 464
Lawrence, Sir Henry, appointed governor of Gude 319
———, disastrous defeat of, at Chinhut 321
———, injunction of—“Never to surrender! 329
———, killed in the siege of Lucknow 327
Lucknow, arrival and reception of Dr. Butler at 207
———, Dr. Butler contemplates a mission at 212
———. efforts of Havelock to reach 343
———, Havelock fights his way through 346
———, “Jessie Brown," and her “Dinna ye hear the slogan? 353
———, lawlessness and depravity of, in 1856 208
———, preparations for defense of 319
———, repeated attempts to storm 331
———, siege of, begun 325
———, the capital of Gude 207
———, the Muchee Bawun fort at, blown up 325
———, the relief of, view of 348
———, the “Residency,” view of 317
———, the Residency reached, and the ladies saved 349