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Neutrality” of the East India Company not understood 189, 405
Noor Jehan, the “Daughter of the Desert,” her singular history 151
Nynee Tal, view of 243
———, Dr. Butler's first entrance into 242
———, first chapel in 434
———, joyous salute heard at 408
———, measures of defense at 266
———, panic at, and flight from 282
———, refugees at, hungry for news 269
———, singular panic of besiegers of 408
Orphanages of the M. E. Church in India, origin of 506
———, the need of 519
Oude, annexation of 207
———, discouragements by British officials in regard to establishing missions in 212
———, history of, presents a record of violence, perfidy, and blood 211
———, its last king, Wajid Ali Shah, portrait of 209
———, necessity for the annexation of 207
———, Queen of, protests against annexation 102
Outcasts,” cruel law concerning 32
Outram, Sir James, magnanimously waives his right to command in favor of Havelock 344
———, interview of, with the dying Havelock 356
Pana, the, its value 33
Paradise, illustrated from the Dewanee Khass 120
Parisnaih, two as large as life, in Delhi 418
Parsees, (followers of Zoroaster,) number of, in India 67
Peggy, matron of our Female Orphanage, portrait of 218
Peggy's sacrifice for her Saviour 214
Peishwa,” import of the title 178
Permissive Providence of God, instance of 231
Pierce and Humphrey, Rev. Messrs., suppose Dr. Butler dead 410
———, joyful meeting with, in the Taj Mahal 433
Poictiers, Abder Rahnum's defeat at 12
Polyandry 497
Polygamy 494
Post-office, the regular, distrusted by the Sepoy conspirators 190
Prayer, the, in the jungle 239
———, soothing effects of 331
Presbyterian Church, missionaries of, murdered 15, 261, 298, 294
Presbyterian Church, M. E. Mission indebted to, for its first native helper 214
Presbyterian missionaries did not die in vain 466, 467
Priests of Mahadeva, interview with 419
Prime, Dr., testimony of, to the improvements in India 461
Providential interpositions:—
 General Sibbald's timely absence 232
 Singular panic which fell upon the besiegers of Nynee Tal 408
 The night in the Terai 239
 The night in the Himalayan forests 283
Punjab, its preservation in the hour of trial 407
Rajpoots, their pride and cruelty 475
Ramayana, outline of the 95-99
Rampore, Nawab of, noble conduct of, during the rebellion 279
———, exposed to danger in consequence of aiding us 281
———, munificent liberality of, to the Woman's Missionary Society 525
Rig-Veda, the 84
Robertson, Judge, deceived by Bahadur Khan 287
———, execution of 249
Roe, Sir Thomas, in the Court of the Mogul 122
———, a changed scene in Delhi from what he witnessed 422, 424
Romanism, failure of, to improve its opportunity in India 145
Russian rule not desired by the people of India 355
Sacontala, the, forbids inquiry concerning the wife of another man 488
———, injunction as to the subordination of younger to elder wives 496
Sannyasi, rules of life for 36
Satya Yug, the 76
Saugor Isle, its accursed scenes 473
Sepoy Rebellion, the, originating causes of 170-190
———, causes of the failure of 427
———, criminals in the jails linked in with the 227
———, did not originate in patriotism 428
Sepoy Rebellion, growing fear of the extension of the Christian religion a cause of the 189
———, how English government in India affected by 460
———, Mohammedan monopoly of place and power a cause of the 186
———, no native Christian joined the 464