Page:The Last Chronicle of Barset Vol 1.djvu/9

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I. How did he get it? 1
II. By Heavens he had better not 12
III. The Archdeacon's Threat 20
IV. The Clergyman's House at Hogglestock 25
V. What the World thought about it 33
VI. Grace Crawley 39
VII. Miss Prettyman's Private Room 49
VIII. Mr. Crawley is taken to Silverbridge 59
IX. Grace Crawley goes to Allington 73
X. Dinner at Framley Court 82
XI The Bishop sends his Inhibition 88
XII. Mr. Crawley seeks for Sympathy 97
XIII. The Bishop's Angel 105
XIV. Major Grantly consults a friend 115
XV. Up in London 121
XVI. Down at Allington 132
XVII. Mr. Crawley is summoned to Barchester 145
XVIII. The Bishop of Barchester is Crushed 154
XIX. Where did it come from? 164
XX. What Mr. Walker thought about it 169
XXI. Mr. Robarts on his Embassy 176
XXII. Major Grantly at Home 184
XXIII. Miss Lily Dale's Resolution 193
XXIV. Mrs. Dobbs Broughton's Dinner-party 203
XXV. Miss Madalina Demolines 217
XXVI. The Picture 226
XXVII. A Hero at Home 233
XXVIII. Showing how Major Grantly took a Walk 241
XXIX. Miss Lily Dale's Logic 248
XXX. Showing what Major Grantly did after his Walk 253
XXXI. Showing how Major Grantly returned to Guestwick 258
XXXII. Mr. Toogood 265
XXXIII. The Plumstead Foxes 281
XXXIV. Mrs. Proudie sends for her Lawyer 289