Page:The Last Chronicle of Barset Vol 2.djvu/9

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XLIV. "I suppose I must let you have it" 1
XLV. Lily Dale goes to London 6
XLVI. The Bayswater Romance 16
XLVII. Dr. Tempest at the Palace 25
XLVIII. The Softness of Sir Raffle Buffle 41
XLIX. Near the Close 49
L. Lady Lufton's Proposition 63
LI. Mrs. Dobbs Broughton piles her Fagots 73
LII. Why don't you have an "it" for yourself? 87
LIII. Rotten Row 97
LIV The Clerical Commission 106
LV. Framley Parsonage 115
LVI. The Archdeacon goes to Framley 121
LVII. A Double Pledge 135
LVIII. The Cross-grainedness of Men 145
LIX. A Lady presents her Compliments to Miss L. D. 157
LX. The End of Jael and Sisera 169
LXI. "It's dogged as does it" 181
LXII. Mr. Crawley's Letter to the Dean 193
LXIII. Two Visitors to Hogglestock 205
LXIV. The Tragedy in Hook Court 217
LXV. Miss Van Siever makes her Choice 224
LXVI. Requiescat in Pace 232
LXVII. In Memoriam 241
LXVIII. The Obstinacy of Mr. Crawley 251
LXIX. Mr. Crawley's last Appearance in his own Pulpit 259
LXX. Mrs. Arabin is caught 265
LXXI. Mr. Toogood at Silverbridge 275
LXXII. Mr. Toogood at "The Dragon of Wantly" 283
LXXIII. There is Comfort at Plumstead 289
LXXIV. The Crawleys are informed 296
LXXV. Madalina's Heart is bleeding 304
LXXVI. I think he is light of Heart 313
LXXVII. The shattered Tree 320