Page:The Last Judgement and Second Coming of the Lord Illustrated.djvu/240

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the world of spirits. It will not, on this account be any less real, because we view the world of spirits, not as a mist or a vapour, but as a substantial and enduring reality. Still, although we believe that the second coming of the Lord and the execution of His judgment will take place there, we also believe that the evidence that they have actually occurred will in due time be made manifest in the world of men; and that it will be found in the great changes which will take place in men's thoughts and actions in regard to spiritual things, and especially in the provision of materials for securing the freedom and enlarging the intellect of the Church. At all events, we affectionately urge upon the reader a careful remembrance of the facts, arguments, criticisms, and suggestions which have now been adverted to. They have been put forth in no other spirit than that of the love of truth, and in the humble hope of exciting the attention of those who will look at the subjects with intelligence and candour.