Page:The Last Judgement and Second Coming of the Lord Illustrated.djvu/306

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of spirits, but the last judgment has provided against the possibility of spirits remaining and accumulating there as they had done before. The characters of men since that period have been formed under the influence of greater freedom; and one result of this will be that, when they pass from hence, their judgment will be more speedily accomplished.

Such are some of our views, and some of the reasons which have led us to adopt the, perhaps, astonishing conclusion we have been attempting to explain. While the generality of Christians are looking forward to the last judgment as an event which is to bring ruin upon the universe, we believe that it has already been accomplished, and that its purpose was to lay a fonndation on which the regeneration of the world is to be achieved.

And now we commend these subjects to the careful consideration of the pious and intelligent. We desire that they should be reflected upon wisely and justly, and that nothing should be accepted unless it approves itself to reason, enlightened by a knowledge of the Scriptures, and to conscience, guided by the love of spiritual truth.