Page:The Law Magazine; or, Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence, Volume 1, Second Edition, 1830.djvu/9

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Art. VIII.—On The Custom Of Making Allowances Out Of The Poor Rate To Able-bodied Labourers In Increase Of Their Wages . . . 90
Art. IX.—On The Effect Of An Assignment By The Husband, For A Valuable Consideration, Of His Wife's Legal Choses In Action, As Against Her Surviving . . . 98
Art. X. — Whether Payment Of Purchase Money Will Take A Parol Agreement For The Sale Of Lands Out Of The Statute Of Frauds . . . 111
Art. XI. — A Biographical Sketch Of Mr. Fearne, With Some Observations On His Essay On Contingent Remainders, &c . . . 115
Art. XII.—The Court Of Chancery. A Satirical Poem, by R.J. Blewitt . . . 124
Art. XIII.—Lord Lansdowne's Act:
Substance of "An Act for consolidating and amending the Statutes in England relative to Offences against the Person," now under consideration of Parliament . . . 129
Digest of Cases.
Common Law . . . 142
Real Property . . . 154
Equity . . . 160
Bankruptcy . . . 163
Abstract of Statutes passed in the last Session . . . 168
List of Important Bills proposed . . . 174
Law Commissions . . . 177
Lists, &c . . . 180
Events of the Quarter . . . 182


Page 9 line 20 for " arises" read " arise."
56 ..... 9 from the top read " in" before " a treatise."
58 .... 2 from the bottom, for " his" read " their."
65 .... 5 from the top, omit " into."
155 .... 9 from the bottom,/or " freehold" read " freeholds."
157 .... 12 from the bottom, for " mortgage" read " mortgagee."