Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/15

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Fol. 1





Halden at Perth the XXVI. Day of Maij: The zeir of God, Ane thouſand foure hundreth twentie foure zeiris: And of his Relgne the nineteene zeir.

1. The freedome of the halie Kirke.

IN THE First to the honour of God and halie Kirk; It is Statute and ordained, that the halie Kirke joyis and bruike , and the Ministers of it, their aulde Priviledges and freedomes. And that na man let them to set their landes and teindes, under the paine that may follow, be Spiritual Law, or Temporal.

2. Peace suld be keeped within the Realme.

ITEM, That firme & sicker peace be keeped and halden throw all the Realme, and among all and sindrie Lieges and subjectes, to our Soveraine Lord the King , and that na man take on hand in time to cum, to moove or make weir against uther , under all paine that may follow be course of commoun Law.

3. That na man rebel against the Kingis persone.

ITEM, It is statute and ordained, that na man openlie or notourlie rebel against the Kingis person, under the paine of forefaulting of life, land and gudes.

4. All men suld assist the King to pubish rebelles.

ITEM, It is statute and ordained that gif ony disobeyis, till enforce the King against notour rebellers against his persone, quhen they be required be the King, and commanded; they sall be challenged be the King, as favourers of sik rebellers; bot gif they have for them reasonable excusation.

5. Na man suld travel with maa men, nor he may susteine.

ITEM, It is statute that na man of what estate, degree or condition he be of, rydand or gangand in the Countrie, lead nor have maa persones with him, nor may suffice him, or till his Estaite, and for quhom he will make readie payment: And gif onie complaint be of sik ryders or gangers; the King commandis his Officares of the land, that quhair they happen to be, till arrest them, and put them under sicker burrowes, quhill the King be certified thereof, and send his will what sall be done of sik trespassoures.

6. Of the Ministers of Law within the Realme, and offices given in heritage.

ITEM, It is ordained that there be maid officiars and ministers of Law, throw all the Realme, that can, or may halde the Lawe to the Kingis commounes; and sik as hes sufficientlie of their awin; quhair throw they may be punished gif they trefpasse. And gif onie be insest of sik offices of before, and ar not sufficientto