Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/161

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FOVRTH PARLIAMENT. XXIX. of Maij. x 5$1 . 141 H O U R H PARLIAMENT O F MARIE, QUEENE OF SCOTLAND, Halden at Edinburgh , the XXIX. daye ofCMay , the zelre of God , ane thoufand , five hunt drew , and fiftie ane zeires. tylll the gudes moveable of them quha Jujieinis the froceffe of cur/kg ane zeir , or communi- catis, being excommunicate Jail perteine to the King, the creditonr being firfl fatisfied. ^91 H E Quhilk daye , the Lorde Governour , with advife of the three E- 'iament, havand refpecl: to the Noble , Catholick and Chri- 5g®aT(| v ^^}pi! ftaitesofParlia ^■W^W^^^rW^Wih^l ^ ian a< ^ es anc ^ ^ atut:es ' mai ^ bee umquhile our Soverain Lord , Kin<r |^^^J^^^#MpjjjAMES the Fifth, that laft deceafed , quhom God aflbilzie , for con* ^^00 ^^^^^Vwo3^S ^ ervarion an< ^ hiding of his Lieges in the treve and godlie faith ever hid- yjjjdertils, not onely be him , bot alfo be his maiit Noble Progenitoures , in- violablie obferved and keiped , fen they firfl: received thefamin : And in G)| fpeciall , fik ftatutes , ordinances and a&es maid anentis them that vvilful- |^^^^a^-ilie, obftinatelie , or arrogantly incurris the paines of curfing , be ony (f^.'i^^^|) j)| maner of way, and lyis under that damnable ftait lang time , fchawand f—i^Js^^y Jj their ungodlie life to uthers the faithfull lieges of this Realme , havand na <|§s regard to be participant of the merite of the bioud of CHRIST , quha throwe their arrogancie , obftinacie , and in-obedience , wilfullie , throw coullour and pretenfe of devotion, to fchawe their hie hypocrifie , cummis to the halie buirde of C H R I S T, and receivi s the Sacramente , lyand under the faide Cenfures of curfing , to the evill example , of uthers the gude, trew, fimple Catholick people : And for remeid hereof , and for efchewingoffik evill, abominable, perverfe, & deteftable vices in times cumming , to the erred that the lieges of this Realme may live in trew faith in our Soveraine Ladies time , that now is , as they have done in her maift Noble Progenitoures times ; Hes ftaaite and ordained , thatquhatfumeverperfon or perfones, ar denunced curfed , for ony maner of caufeintlieirParochKirkopenlieandpublicklie, on ane folemned daye, in time of divine fervice before noone, before die Parochin , or perfonally quhair-ever they be , before famous vvitnefie , and lyis therein obftinadiebethefpaceofanezeir, or receivis the bodie of C H R I S T , biefled and halie Sacrament, un- der the faide curfing , un-reconciied to the bofome of halie Kirk, that all their gudes moveable throw that deede, fall fall in our Soveraine Ladies handes, be reafon of efcheit , and that the famin be in-brocht to her ufe, quhair-ever they may be apprehended, to be difponed at her graces pleafure : Providing alwaies , that they atquhais inftance fik perfones ar denunced curfed , for fummes of money , for fulfilling of ony deede , fall be firfl fatisfied and payed of all fummes, or utherthinges that they may crave, be vertevv of the faidis letters of curfing , of the faidis efcheit gudes , and thereafter the remanent to perteine to our Soveraine Ladie, And that letters be direct to make publication hereof at all places needefull, 8. c Declared'Iraitotcresmaybefaine : t^And quha quarrellis the famin, committis treafon. THE Quhilk day, Forfameikle as the Lorde Governours Grace , and three Eftaites of Parliament , havand refpecl: to the great , heavy, and abhominable crime of treafon and lefe-majeftie , committed bediverfeandfindrie OUR SOVERAINE Ladies lieges within this Realme , and out-with the famin, for quhilkis fik traitoures hes bene called, accufed, and be the three Eftaites declared traitoures in Parlia- ment: Notwithftanding fik traitoures , fwa baniihed and fugitive , without licence or tolerance of our Sove- raine Lady , or the Lord Governours refpecl: , remiffion , or fuperfedere , cummis and refortis againe within this Realme , and hands and repairis amangft our Soveraine Ladies lieges , like as they , nor nane of them had committed ony ofTenfe againft our Soveraine Lady , the Lord Governour , the Realme , nor the autho- rise, and ar receipt , fortified and mainteined be OUR SOVERAINE LADIES Lieges, their affifters, favourers, mainteiners, and airt and part-takers with them in their treafonable deeds , havand.'na re-* gard toward our iSbveraine Lady , the Lorde Governour , nor the authorise : And in times cumming , to fchaw that foule, abhominable crime of lefe-majeftie and treafon , and for puniftiment of the committers there- Y }. 9f.