Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/170

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l$® <H V E E N E CM A R I E Eftaites of Parliament: ThatnaPrenterprefume, attempt, or take upon hande to prent ony buikes, bat- lattes, fanges, blafphemationes , rimes or Tragedies , ouxhzx m Latim ok Englijhtoxxng in ony times to- cum, unto the time the famin be feene, viewed, and examined be fome wife and difcreit perfons , depute thereto be the Ordinares quhat-fum-ever. And thereafter ane licence had and obteined fra ourSoveraine Ladie, and the Lord Governour , forimprentingoffik buikes, under the paine of confutation of all the Prenters gudes „ and baniihing him of the Realme for ever. F N S, H S X R L I A M E N T O P MARIE, QUEENE OF SCOTLAND, Halden at Edinburgh, the twentie day ofjunij, the zelre of God, ane thoufand, five hundreth, and fif tie five zeires : Be MARIE, Gheene 'Dowager , and Regent. 2,8. The Revocation maid be our Sever aine Ladie,. H £ Quhilk day , in prefence of the Queenis Grace , CMarie Queene Dowager, and Regent of Scotland, and the three Eftaites in this prefent Parliament, compeired Maifter Henry Lawder , Advocate to our Soveraine Ladie , and prefented unto her ~§|D Grace , and the three Eftaites forefaidis , our Soveraine Ladies Revocation , fub- Vcrived with her Hienefie hand, at Fontaine- B lean, of thedait, the twentie fifth W day of Aprilt ', the zeir of G O D , anethoufand, five hundreth , and fiftie five zeires, and of her Reigne the xiij. zeir , the privie Seals hungin thereat ; intimate, in- m finuat and declared the fame , defirand the Queenis Grace , and the three Eftaites mJabone mentioned, to caufe the faid Revocation to be infert and regiftred in the buikes of Parliamente , and the famin to have the ftrength and effect of an atte of Parliament , in all times to-cum , and they to interpone their authoririe in and to the famin : The quhilk de- fire, the Queenis Grace , Dowager, and Regent forefaide , and the three Eftaites of Parliamente thoucht reafonable , and hes ordained, and ordainis the faide Revocation to be infert and Regiftred in the faidis buikes of Parliament , and the famin to be of als great ftrength, valour, force, and ertecl: in all times to cum, as ony Revocation maid be ony our Soveraine Ladies Predeceflbures , Kings or Queenes oi this Realme , in ony times by-gane , in their lefie age , before their compleit perfite age : And thereupon hes interponed , and in- terponis their authoritie to the famin , conforme to the faid Revocation , Of the quhilk the tenour follovvis. Wee MARIE, Be the Grace oi G O D , Queene of ift^/^/^, having now be the three Eftaites of our Realme, declared the full adminiftration and ruling thereof, to be in our awin hands, after the demiflion maid be our richt traiftie coufing JAMES, Duke of Chajfel-heraud, Earle of ^Arran , Lord Hammil- toun&c. Then in our lefle age Tutour and Governour of our Realme forefaide, of his Office ofTutorieand Governement, confidderand that be the priviledge of the commoun Lawe , and als that our maift Noble Pro- genitoures , Kingis oi Scotland, of gude minde be their adtes and ftatutes maid in their Parliamentes , hes re- voked, called, and annulled , all thinges done be them in their minorities and les ages , in hurte and detriment of their confeience , orCrowne, landes, rentes, poflefiiones, and uthers thinges quhat-fum-ever pertdn- ing to the famin , quhair-intill they were damnaged, and skaithed be alienationes, donationes, prefentationes, venditiones, or bee ony uthers quhat-fum-ever : THEREFORE We now being furth of our faid Re- alme, having compleit the twelfth zeir of our age, revokis all maner of infeftmentes and diipofitiones quhat- fum-ever , we , or our faid Coufen , as our Tutour and Governour have maid, during the time that hee had the Governement of our faid Realme, in our lefie age, and all uther thinges, that hes bene done in burte and detriment of our faid Crowne, landes, rentes, pofleiliones, patronages oi" benefices, and offices perteining to the famin: And in fpecial , we revoke, cafiis, andannullisallinfeitments, donationes, alienationes, and Annexed difpofitiones maid bee us , with advifeofour faid Tutor and Governour, or be him in our name, inourleffe po^ue. a g e otl y ma ner of way in fee, few-ferme, franck-tenement, or lang tackes of ony landes, Lord-ihips,cuftomes, annuelies, filhinges, Burrow-mailles , Caftel-wardes , or uther tkinges quhat-fum-ever, annexed to our Crowne