Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/173

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SEXT PARLIAMENT. XX. of June, i SSS . i 5; zettes or dwelling places, gif they ony have, and arte copie left and affixed upon the mercat croce, quhair the publication is maid, to be fufficient tothe haill perfones, quhat- fum-ever they bee, contained in the faidis letters. 34. i_Anent giving of faifinges upon precepts of the Chancellarie. ITEM, For-fa-meikle , as in umquhile our Soveraine Lordis time , that laft deceafed , It was ftatute and ordained , that all faifinges quhilkis paffis upon precepts of the Chancellarie , to be given be the SchirefFe Clerke, or his deputes : Sen the quhilk acle , there is be occafion of weir and great troubles , diverfe faifinges given be uthers Notars , upon precepts pad foorth of the faid Chancellarie : Therefore the three Eftaites of Parliamente, difpenfis with that fault of all faifinges, given be uthers Notars, fen the making of the forefaid afte, and ordainis the faid afte to be published, and have effect: in time dimming , with this addition : That upon all precepts paft foorth of the Chancellarie , the Schirefte, Steward or Baillie , alfweill the Regalitie , as Royaltie, or their deputes, fall be required to pafle to give faifing with the Schireffe Clerke and his Deputes -. And gif the Steward, Baillie, or their deputes refufis to pafle and give failing , then the partie haver of that pre- cept, to put ony uther Baillie to give faifing , as he fall think maift expedient. 55. t^Anent the ordour for giving of cur at our es to Minors. ITEM, Becaufeitisunderftandin, that be the giving ofcuratoures to Minores bee findrie Judges, there lies bene great skaith fufteined be the faidis Minores : Therefore it is ftatute and ordained , that in all times cumming , quhen onie Minor pafhs the zeires of his Tutorie , and defiris Curatoures : That he cum before his Judge Ordinar , 'and defire of him ane fummounds or edict:, towarnetwa, at the leaft, of the maift honed and famous of the Minor's kin, and all uthers havand intereile, quhilk fall be warned lauch- fullie: That is to fay, the fpecial perfones perfonailic , or at their dwelling places, givand ane copie to their wives or fervandes, or affixand it on their zettes or dures, and uthers havand interefle generallie, at the mercat croce of the head Burgh of the Schire , quhair the faidis Minores lies their landes or gudes , to compeir at ane certaine daye , upon nine dayes warning at the leaft , to heare and fee the Curatoures defired be the faid Minor, to be given to him unto his perflte age of twentie ane zeires, and caution foundin, de fideli adminiftratione , quhilkis beand given in mancr forefaide, they fall not be revoked nor difharged, nor uthers chofen to the Minor , unto the time they be called before the Lordes of Councell , or uthers Judges Ordinar , at the will of the bairne , to heare and fee them difcharged , and revoked for reafon- ablecaufes: Quhilkis being foundin of veritie, they then to be difcharged, and uthers curatoures given in their places be the ordour forefaid , with caution , and na uther-wife. 36. t^Aueut eating offlejh in Lentron, and uthers dates forbidden. ITEM, For-fa-meikle as there is diverfe infolent and evil given perfones , not regardand the Lawe of GOD, and conftitution of halie Kirk , bot in high contemption thereof, and tothegreatfclanderofthe Chriftian people , eatis flefh in Lentron and uthers daies forbidden be the Kirk, and Lawes thereof. Therefore , for the repreffing and punifhment of the quhilk : It is ftatute and ordained, that na perfon nor. perfones contemnandlie and willfullie without difpenfation or requiring of licence of their Ordinar, their Parfon , Vicar , or Curate , eate flefh plainely or privatelie in the faidis daies and times forbidden , under the paine of confiscation of all their gudes moveable, to be applyed to our Soveraine Ladies ufe, and gif the eaters lies na gudes , their perfones to be put in prifon, thereto remaine zeir and day , and further induring the Queenis Grace will , but prejudice of the Spiritual punition, conforme to the commoun Lawe. 3 7 . Of reverfiones conteinand tailzied gold and fiver. ITEM, Becaufe there is diverfe and findrie reverfiones maid and given for redemption and out-quitting of landes, beirand and conteinand gold and filver of certaine fpecial valour and price: And the faid gold and filver is not now to be gotten , quhair-throw the havers of fik reverfiones hes bene oft-times differed fra redemption of their landes : Therefore it is devifed , ftatute and ordained , anent all reverfiones , beirand and conteinand gold and filver , or ather of them , of certaine fpecial valour and price or cuinzie , than gif fik gold and filver cannot be had nor gotten within the Realme , the havers of thay reverfiones may redeeme the landes fpecified therein, be vertew of their faidis reverfipns givand gold and filver, havand courfe for the time , beand of die famin valour, weicht and fines , as the gold and filver fpecified in the faidis reverfiones , conforme to the commoun Lawe : And this act to be extended to all and quhat-fum-ever rever- fiones, by-gane and to-cum. - 3 8 . The procuratorie and infrument of refignation fuld be fealed and Jiibfirived. ITEM, It is ftatute and ordained , that all refignationes to be maid be vaffalles in time to-cum , of their properties in the Superiours hands , adperpetuam remanentiam, beand maid be procuratorie,the faid pro- curatorie fall be fealed and fubferi ved be the vaffalles handes : And gif hee cannot write , to be fubferived with A a his