Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/183

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NINTH PARLIAMENT. IV.ofJunij. i S 6 3 . i6 5 obey and ferve her Majeftie in all fortes , as becummis maift humble and faithfull fubjecles , to the glorie of God . her Hienes contentment , and common wealth of her Native cuntrie : Be the adviie , Councell, and deliberation of her Grace three Eftaites , prefentlie conveened , lies found profitable and necefiar for the gud governement , and adminiilration of the Realme , and commoun wealth thereof : 1 hat ane flatute , Lawe and ordinance of perpetuall Oblivion , be maid and eftablifhed : Like as her Hienefle be the advife and con- fentofthehaill three Eftaites of her Majefties Realme, conveened in this prefent Parliament, makis and eftablilhis ane Law of Oblivion. THAT Alldeede, occafion, counfell, and pretence of quhat-fumeverweicht, orqualitie, that may bealleaged, or appeare to have bene done , maid, given, pretended or alii (led to, be quhat-ium-ever per- fon or perfones her Majefties fubjectes and lieges of quhat-fum-ever qualitie, ftate, or condition they bee of, contrair the Lawes of this Realme , ftatutes, ordinances, conftitutiones thereof , or quhat-fum-ever uther Laves, received or ufed in the famin, in onie times by-gane , to quhat-fum-ever efFed:, fen, andfra the faidfextdaye of March, thezeirofGod, anethoufand, five hundreth , fiftie audit zeires, to thefaid firft daye of September , exchfiae , the zeir of God , ane thoufand , five hundreth , threefcore ane zeires , and the iiiemorie thereof with all adiones civill or criminal, that may refult there-throw : To be ex- pyred, bury ed and extind for ever : even as the fame had never bene maid, done, counfelled, thocht, pretended , nor affifted to , fiva that nather they , nor their aires, nor fuccefiburcs may be indfded,perfewed , fummoned, accufed, followed, or conveened therefore civilic or criminallie, before her Hienefle , or her Graces Succeflbures , nor three Eftaites of Parliament, noruther Judge or Judges criminall or Civill, Spiri- tuallor Temporall quhat-fum-ever, within this Realme , or out-with the famin , in onie time to-cum be her Hienefle, her Gracis Succeflbures , or their Advocates, nor be onie her Gracis fubjedes, or onie uthers maner of perfones quhat-fum-ever , difchargeing expreflie bee this prefent Law of Oblivion the Eftaites fore- faide, Juftice generall , his deputes: Lordes of the College of Juftice andSeffion : All Rehire fles , Stew- ardes, Baillies, alfweill of Regalities as Royalties : Proveftes , Baillies and Councell of Burrowes: Legates, Arch-biflioppes , Biihoppes, Abjbottes, Commendatars , Prioures, and" all uthers Judges, Magiftrates and OiTiciares of quhat-fum-ever Eftaite, degree , or condition they be of, of onie indicating , arreifting , fum- mounding , accufing , following , calling , perfewing , conveeiung , or proceeding , agaiuft quhat-fum- ever perfon or perfones, her Hienefles fubjedes and lieges, of quhat-fum-ever qualitie , Eftaite, degree, or condition they be of, for the premifles , or onie poynt thereof , or depending thereupon onie maner of way, and of their offices and Jurisdiction there-anent , for now and ever. AND F U R D E R , It fall not be leiffull be Acte of Parliament , or utherwayes hereafter , to make onie derogation of this prefent Lawe , ftatute and ordinance of Oblivion , nor cum in the contrair of the famin, di- redhe , or indiredlie , without exprefle advife and confent of the haill perfones , and everie ane of them that lies or may pretend to have entrefle , priviledge , or favour , bee reafon. of this Law of Oblivion forefaid. OUR SOVERAINE LA DIE, With advife of her three Eftaites, being willed and minded, that na perfon nor perfones, fubjedes of her Majefties Realme , being un-worthie of the priviledge and favour oftheadeand ftatute of the Law of Oblivion, have, bruik, joyis, nor ufe the priviledge thereof, for fik tranfgreflion , deede, or attemptate , done, or committed be them , or onie of them , fra the fext day of March, the zeir of G O D , anethoufand, five hundreth, fiftie audit zeires , to the firft day of September, the zeir of GOD, anethoufand, five hundreth, threefcore ane zeires. Hes ftatute and or- dained, and bee thir prefentis , ftatutis and ordaines , that letters be dired , publiihed, and proclaimed at all the head Burrowes of this Realme , alfweill within Regalities , as Royalties : Commanding and chargeing all and findrie , OUR faide SOVERAINE LADIES Lieges , of quhat-fum-ever degree, Eftaite, or qualitie they be of, havand or pretendand to have action, outlier criminall , or civill, for onie deede, caufe, or occafion, done, committed, or affifted to, fra the forefaid fext daye of March, the zeir of God, anethoufand, five hundreth , fiftie audit zeires , to the firft day of September, the zeir of GOD, anethoufand, five hundreth , threefcore ane zeires , that they and everie ane of them , intent and perfew theadion, quhilk they pretend to have, alfweill for recovering, as for reduction of decreetes , els given upon deedes done within the time forefaid , before the Judges Ordinar and competent : And gif the partie perfewed be himfelf e , or his procuratoures , will , or may alleage , that the penewer fuld not be heard , in re- fpedofthe Law of Oblivion forefaid : Then, and in that cafe, the Judge civill fall ceafe of further pro- ceeding in that caufe , and the parties defender and penewer, fall cum to the Lordes and perfones under- written -. That is to faye, the Noble and michtie Lords, JAMES , Duke oiChafiel-Eeraitd ', Lord Hammilton &c. ARCHEBALDE, Earle olErgyle , Lord Campbelxnd Lome , Juftice Generall dec. JAMES, Earle of Murray , Lorde Albemethy and Strathnarne. JAMES, Earle of Mortoun , Lorde 'Dalkeith , Chancellar &c. WILLIAM, Earle Mavchel, Lorde Keith &c. ALEXANDER, Earle oiGlcncarne, Lorde Kiimaiuris &c. J O H N, Lorde Erf kin : P A T R I C K, Lorde Rutbwen. Ane Reverend Father in GOD, HENRI E, Biihoppe ofRqfe, Prefidenr of the College of Juftice and Scflion : Ane venerable Father in GOD, MARK, Commendatar of the Abbay oiNew-bottle : Schir RICHARD MAITLAND, of Lethingtoun , Knight, Keiper of the privie .Seale: Maifter JAMES MACK GIL of Ranckelour Nether, ClerkeofRegifter : Schir JOHN BELLE N DEN, of Aucfywuwl Knight, Juftice Clerke: WIL* LIAMMAITLANDE, of Lethingtoun zounger , Secretar : M. R O B E R T R I C H A R D S O N, Commendatar of Saint Marie lie , Thefaurer : Schir JOHN W I S C A R T of Titlarro Knight, Bb 2, Compt-