Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/238

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xi6 KING JAMES THE SEXT next adjacent Burrowes and Townes, quhair the perfones flayeris theirof dwellis , to the effeft that our Soveraine Lords lieges may be firft ferved , and gif abundance occurred , that they micht be faked and tranf- portedbe free Burgefles. And that the faidis Afts , throw negligence and overfichts , hes nocht received execution : Quhairthrow our Soveraine Lord hes bene greatlie defrauded in his Cuftomes , and his Hienes Lieges wanted the fruit of the Sea , appointed be God for their nurilhment , and the Burgefles and Free-men of Burrowes dif- appointed of their trafheque and commoditie. THEREFOIR, Our Sove- raine Lord , and the three Eftaites of Parliament , ratifies and apprevis all the faidis Aftes and Confutations, maid anent the faidis Herring and quhite fifche, and ufing theirof: Speciallie the Aftes made in the times of umquhile his Hienes deareft Grandfchir King James the Fourth, of gude memory , and be his Majeftie, the time of the Regiment of his richt treft Coining James Earle otCfrlortoun , Lord o{ c Dalkeith , Regent to his Hienes, his Realme and Lieges for the rime. And ordainis all and findrie the faidis Afts to be obferved and keiped in all poyntes , after the forme and tenour theirof, and the contraveneris of the famin tobepu- nifchea according thereto. And that all Schireffes , Stewartes, Baillies, Lordes of Regalities, Proyeftes, Aldermen , and Baillies of Burrowes , and Judges ordinar quhat-fumever , put the faidis Aftes to execution, upon the contraveneris theirof. And to that efFeft grantis and gives to them power and commillson of Juiti- eiarie , every ane within the boundes of their awin liberties and jurifdiftiones , and to uptake the efcheittes of the contraveneris being convift, the twa part to the Kingis Majefties ufe , and to make compt theirof zeirlie in his Hienes Checker , and the thrid part of the fame to the faidis judges executoures , for their travelies and iaboures. 87. For execution of the t_s4fi of Parliament , maid anent bearing, wearing, andfihuitting of ' Culver inges and ^Dagges. ORSAMEIKIL, As be Act of Parliament , maid in the firft zeir oi our Soveraine Lordis Reione , IT WAS Statute and ordained, that namanerofperfon nor perfones, of quhat-fumever Eftait, decree or condition , fchuit with Culveringes , Dagges , Piftolettes , or ony uther gunnes or ingines of fire-wark , in ony part of this Realme , nouther to Burgh nor to land , norbeare, weare, nor ufe, ony Culveringes, Dagges , Piftolettes , or ony uther fik ingine of fire-warke , upon their perfones , or in their comoanie with them, privatlieoropenlie, out-with houfing , without licence of our Soveraine Lord, under the paine of cutting of their richt hand , and farther paines fpecified in the faid Aft of Parliament , as the famin at length proportis. Quhilk hes not bene put to dew execution in time by-gane, be reafon of the troubles in- tervening : Andtherethrow, mony hes taken libertie to beare , weare, and ufe Culverings , Dagoes, Pi- ftolettes , and uthers ingines of fire-wark , within Burrowes , and uther partes of this Realme, quhair throw, divers his hienes lieges hes bene fchamefullie and cruellie murthered , llaine and hurt , in redding; , & uther- wayes , quhilkes war able enouch to have maid defenfe fufficientlie for themfelves , at all times of perfute , & fum part of the occafion , quhy the faid Afte lies not tane execution , was be reafon of the paine ofdeath , or demembring , quhilk the ordinar Judges was laith to execute. THEREFOIR Our Soveraine Lord, and the three Eftaites foirfaidis , Ord ainis the faid Act to be new- lie published , and that na maner of perfon nor perfons beare , weare , ufe nor fchuit Culverings , Dagges , or Piftolettes , within Burrowes or without the fame , in time dimming , utherwife nor the faid Aft and excep- tions thereof proportis , under the paine often pundes, money of this Realme , and the Gunne and armour they beare , to be payed be ilk perfon contravenand , and doand in the contrair, without prejudice of the uther paines , gif the Kings Majeftie will have the fame execute. AND For execution theirof, makis and conftitutis the Proveftes , Aldermen and Baillies within Burgh, hisMajeftiesJufticesinthatpairt, everie an within their freedomes and jurifdiftions , with power to them to fearch , take and apprehend the offenders and contraveners , and put them to ane AihTe , ami being con- vict, to kald them in waird , quhill the paine foirfaid be payed, and to take ficker fovertie of the perfones convict, tofor-beare, intimecumming, under the double of the faid paine. And the paines quhilkis beis uplifted , to be employed , to the fupport of the pure. And this Aft to ferve for fufneient commiffion to the faidis Proveftes , Alder-men, and Baillies of Burrowes , to the efFeft foirfaid. 8 8 . For pmijhment of Regraters and Fore-ftallers. IT E M , Our Soveraine Lord , and the three Eftaites of Parliament , hes ratified and appreved , and be this Aft, ratifies and apprevis, all Aftes and conftitutions, maid be his hienes maift Noble Progenitours, in time by-gane, fpeciallie the Aftes maid be umquhile his hienes deareft Gudfchir, King James the fifth, of worthie memorie : Anent Foirftallers and regraters of viftualles , flefch, pultrie, and uthers vivers, cumandtoMercattes. And makis and conftitutis , theProvefts, Alder-men, and Baillies of ail his hie- nefle Burrowes , his Majefties Juftices for execution of the faidis Aftes , within the boundes of their awin free- domes and jurifdiftions , and to up-take the paines conteined therein , tobeapplyedafter the forme and te- nour theirof. 89. Annet