Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/250

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.5.8 KING JAMES THE S E X T occupie the fame in time cumming , according to their richtes , keepand the Setterdayes flop , and fik diftance betwixt every Heck, as the Adles of Parliament appoyntis. And in cafe they failzie therein, to beaccufa- bill , and fufter punifhment , as the remanent tranfgreflbures of the faidis Aftes. iii. Execution may be againft ony thief t and relfe , committed be ony uther of the famin Uanne. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, And his three Eftaites , in this prefent Parliament , having con- fiddered the mony grievous oppretfiones and cruelties , quhair-unto his peaceabill and gude fubjecles ar fubjedt , findis nathing mair intollerabill , nor the deadly feeaes , borne be the Clannes of thieves, broken men , and Sorneris upon trew men , for the ilauchter , taking , hurting of the faidis thieves , broken men , and Sorneris , taking and bringing them to Juftice , or in the defence and ridding of the trew mennis guddes , ftollen and reft fra them. And how the faidis Clannes of thieves , for the maift pairt ar companies of wicked men , coupled in fellowfchippes be occafion of their fur-names , or neir dwellings togidder , or throw keiping focietie in thieft , or receipt of thieft , not fubjected to the ordinar courfe of Juftice , nortoonyane Landis- lord , that will mak them anfwerabill to the Lawes , bot commounlie dwelland on findrie mennes landes , againft the gude- will of their Landis-lordes , quhairthrow trew Men opprefled be them , can have na remeid, at the hancles of their Maifters, bot for their defence, aroft-tennmesconftrainedtofeekeredresoftheir skaithes of the haill Clanneor fik of them as they happen to apprehend , like as the haill Clanne , commoun- lie beads feed , for the hurt received be onie member thereof, quhidder be execution of Lawes, be ordour of Juftice , or uther wife. IT IS therefore declared, ftatute and ordained , be OUR SOVERAINE LORD, with ad- vife oi his three Eftaites , and haill body of this prefent Parliament : That it fall be lefum to all his obedient and gude fubjectes , that fall receive onie harme or skaith , throw ftouth or maifterfull reif of their guddes , to be committed alter the dait hereof, be onie of the faidis notorious thieves, broken men, or Sorneris of the faidis Clannes of thieves, in time cumming , To apprehend, flay, andarreift, the bodies and guddes oftheperfones, offending againft them or onie uthers, being of the fame Clanne, their fervandes,depen- ders , or partakers , quhairever they fall finde them , in onie partes of this Realme , ay and quhill the princi- palis , or uthers of the faid Clan , caufe the faidis harmes and skaithes be redrefled , to the fatisfadtion of the fufteiners thereof : oratleaft, findefuffkientfovertietothateffeft , to the contentment oftheperfon that lies fufteined the skaith, in-cafe it fall be found be order and tryall , according to Juftice , that the offender and deed-doer wes onie wayes receipt , fupplied , and mafnteined amanges the faid Clan , after the offence committed. 113.' Againft the excejfe of coafielie C/ei thing , And ' iranfporting ofWooll, quhairby the pure may be the better halden in IVarke. THE Kingis Majeftie , and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , Confidering the great abufe , {landing amang his Subjeftes of the meaneEftaite, prefuniingtocounterfaicthisHienes and his Nobilitie, in the ufe and wearing of coafielie Cleithing of Siikes of all fortes, Layne, Cammeraige, Freinzies, and Paf- mentes of Gold , Silver and Silk , and VVollen Claith , maid and brocht from uther forey ne Cuntries , quhair- throw the puces of the fame is growen to fik exorbitant dearth , as it is not abill to be langer fufteined without the great skaith and inconvenient ol the commoun weill , howbeit God hes granted to this Realme fuflicient commodities for cleithing of the inhabitantes thereof within the felfe, gif the peopell wer verteouflie em- ployed in woorking of the fame at hame , quhairby great numbers of pure folkes , now wandering in begging, michtbereleived, alfweill to the honefty , as wealth of the Cuntrie. For remeid quhairof, It is ftatute and ordained bee our Soveraine Lord , with advife of his Eftaites and haill body of this prefent Parliament : That naneofhisHienesSubjecles, Man or Woman, being under the degrees of Dukes, Earles, Lordes of Par- liament , Knichtes , or landed Gentil-men , that hes or may fpend of frie zeirlie Rent , twa thoufand markes , orfiftyChaldersofVictuallatleaft, or their Wives , Sonnes or Douchteris , fall after the firft day of May nixt-to-cum, ufe or weare in their Cleithing , orapparell, or lyning thereof, onie Claith of Gold , or Sil- ver, Velvot ,[Satine , Damask , Taffataes, oronybegairies, Frenzies, Pafments, orbroderie of Gold, Silver, orollk: norzitLayne, Cammerage, or Wollen Claith , maid and brocht from onie foreine Cun- tries, under the paine of ane hundreth pundes of every Gentil-man landed, ane hundreth markes of every Gentil-man unlanded , and fourtie pundes of ilk Zea-man, for every day that hee , his Wife, .Sonne or Douchter tranfgreffis this prefent Aft , The ane half e to the ufe of O U R SOVERAINE LORD, or Lord of the Regalitie , within quhais boundes the tranfgreflbures are apprehended : and the uther halfe to the Schireffes , Stewartes and Baillies within their Jurifdiftiones , Proveftes, Aldermen, and Baillies with- in Burrowes and Cities : and to the Stewartes and Baillies within Regalities , for their paines. Quhilkis or- dinar Judges be themfelves , their Deputes and Officiars , fall have power to atteach and arreift the yerfons tranfgreflouresofthe faid Act, and to put them in Waird , quhill they bee tryed upon the faid tranfgreffion, be ane Aflife , quhilk fall be done within the fpace of three dayes after their apprehenfion at the fartheft. And being found culpable , to halde them in Waird , quhill they have payed the faid paine , and found tSbvertie to abfteine