Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/318

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^ KING J AMES THE S E XT A N E TABLE Of the <P ART ' ICV LAR ^ACT ES andutheris, maid be KING J ACMES the Sext, in this elleventh Parliament , the twentie nine ofjulij, the zeir of GOT), ane thou- fand , five hundreth , foure-fcoirfeven zeires , nocht imprented. i df^Ommijfwn auent the Cuinzie. x ^jCommiffion for ane Taxation aneut the Kingis mariage. 3 CormmJJionfor eftablijhing of 'ane univerfall mttte , me a fur e , andwecht. 4 Commijfion for fatisf action of the Clergie for their life-rentes. 5 CotfimiJJion anent the Trior it ie of places, and vqy ting in 'Parliament. 6 t_Anent our Soveraine Lordis privie Councell. 7 Ratification of the Priviledge of the Sejfion. 8 Act in favour of the Lordes of Sejfwn, as fall become aged and un-abk. 9 Anent the vacance of the Seffion. io Ratification of the Actes anent Fore-fialleres and Regratoures. ii Acte in favour es of them, quha hes maid payment , bona fide, to Fattoures. ix Acte anent fewes and tackes cfKelfo, fubfcribed bee Sir John Maitland. 1 3 Certaine maters remitted to the Checker. 14 Anent the wed- fet ting of the Kingis propertie. 1 5- Anent granting ofrefpettes and remiffiones. 1 6 Anent univerfall concord amangft the Kingis lieges. 17 Ratification of the pacification , reft itnt ion and abolition , granted to our Soveraine L&rdes Lieges] at divcrfe Parliamentes of before. 18 Able in favour es of the Noble men, being with the Kingis LMajeftie at Striviling. 19 Ratification to the Erie of Angus, of the Erie dome c/~Mortoun. io Submiffion of the controverfie, betuixt the Erie of Angus, and the Lorde Fleming. xi AB annulling of the richtes and titles of Dumfermeline , maid be the CMaifter of Gray. t.1 Ratification to the Erie of Crawfurd , of the Bafiardrie of ^Maifter George Creichtoun, and his bairnes. zt, %^Act betuixt the Erie of Crawfurd , and the Burgh c/*Dundie. 24 x^Act in favour of the Mai per of Grahame. 25- tylct in favour of the ErleofMatr. z6 Submiffion betuixt the Count effe «/" Murray, and the Lairde tffPettarrow, 2 7 Ratification of the Erledome of Gowrie. 28 Act in favour of the maifter of Eglingtoim. 29 Act in favour of Claud, Commendatar of PaiQay for Cambuflang. 30 Act in favour of Claud Hammikoun , fonne to the Commendatar ^/"Paiflay. 31 Act in favour of 'Walter, Commendatar of Blantire. 32 Act in favour of maifter Edward Bruyfe, touching the i^Abbacie of&nfofli. 33 Ratification to Alexander , Commendatar of Piufczrdin. 34 In favour es of the Commendatar of Scone. 3 5 In favour of maifter James Haliburtoun. 36 Of the College of Glalgow. 3 7 Of the new College of Saint- Andrewes. 38 Anent the parfonage of Dunfe. 39 Act in favour of maifter David Lindefay, Minifter at Leith. 40 Of Thomas Hutfoun , Maifter of his Hieneffe Chappell Royall 41 ilAnent the benefices prefented be the Erie of Orknay. 42 Ratification of the infeftments of Sir John Maidand ofThirleftane Knigbt. 43 To maifter Peter Young, of Seytoun. 44 To Sir Patrick Vaus , of Barnebarrow Knight. 45- To maifter George Young, of the Arche-deanrie of Saint- Andrewes 46 K_Ane uther to the faid maifter George, and John Andro. 47 lAct in favour of the Ladie Burlie, and her bairnes, thrift 48 In favour of John Achefon. 49 ^Anent the aires ^/"Mony-ward