Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/321

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TWELFTH PARLIAMENT. V. of Jmij. 15-9%. i 99 Handing of quhat-fum-ever Statutes , A&es, Canone, Civill, or Municipal Lawes, made in the contrare. To the quhilkis and everie ane of them , thir prefentes fall make exprefle derogation : And becaufe there ar divers Actes of Parliament, maid in favour ofrhePapifticallKirke, tending to the prejudice of the libertie of the trew Kirk of God , prefentlie profefled widiin this Realme , jurifdiction and difcipline thereof; Quhilk Hands zit in the buikes of die Actes of Parliament , nocht abrogated nor annulled : T herefore his Hienefle, and Eftaites (orefaids , hes abrogated , cafled , and annulled , and bee the tenour hereof, abrogatis , caflis and annullis all Acles of Parliament maid be onie of his Hienefle Predeceffoures , for maintenance of fiiper- ftition and idolatrie , with all and quhat-fumever Acts , Lawes and ftatutes , maid atony time, before the daye and dait hereof, againft die libertie ofdie trew Kirk, jurifdiction and difcipline theit of, asthefamin is ufed and exercifed within this Realme. Andinfpeciall, that part of the Act of Parliament, halden at Striviling, the fourth day of November , The zeir of God, ane thoufand , four hundreth , fourrie three zeires, commaunding obedience to be given to Engenius The Paipe for the time : The Acte maid be King James the thrid , In his Parliament hal- den at Edinburgh , the twentie four day of Februar : The zeir of God , ane thoufand , four hundreth , four fcoir zeires. And all utheris Actes , quhairby the Taipis authoritie is eftablifhed. The A(fte of King James the thrid, in his Parliament halden at Edinburgh , the twentie daye of Novembe r , the zeir of God, ane thoufand , four hundreth , threefcoir nine zeires , anent the Satterday , and uther vigiles to be halie-daies, from Even-fang to Even-fang. ITEM, I hat pairt of the A dr. , maid be the Queene Regent , in the Parliament halden at Edinburgh, th@ firftdayof/^mzr : The zeir of GOD, ane dioufand , five hundreth , fiftie ane zeires , giving Ipeciall licence, for halding of Pajche and Zule. ITEM The Kingis Majeftie and Eftaites , forefaidis, declaris, diat the 119. Acte of the Parliament, halden at Edinburgh , the xxij. day of CMaij , the zeir of God , ane dioufand, five hundreth , fourfcoir, four zeires, fall na wife be prejudicial!, nor derogate onie thing to the priviledge that God lies given to the fpirituall office-bearers in the Kirk , concerning heads of Religion, maters of Herefie, Excommunication, coilation or deprivation of Minifters, or ony fik-like eflentiall cenfours, ipeciallie grounded , and havand warrand of the word of God. ITEM Our Soveraine Lord , and Eftaites of Parliament forefaidis, abrogatis, caffis, and annullis, the Act of die fame Parliament, halden at Edin- burgh , the faid zeir , ane thou and , five hundreth , fourfcoir four zeires , granting commiifion to Bifchoppes, and udieris Judges, cxmftiiute in Ecclefiafticall caufes , to receive his Hienefle prefentationes to Benefices, to give collation thereupon : and to put ordour in all caufes Ecclefiafticall : quhilk his Majeftie and Eftaites forefaidis, declaris to be expired in the felfe, and to be null in time cumming , and of nane availl , force nor effect. And therefore ordainis all prefentations to Benefices, to be direct to the particular Presbyteries, in all time cumming : widi full power to give collation thereupon ; And to put ordour to all maters and caufes Ecclefiafticall, widiin theit boundes, according to the difcipline of the Kirk : Providing theforefaid Pref- byteries be bound and aftricted , to receive and admitt quhat-fumever qualified Minifter, prefented be his Majeftie , or laick patrones. 1 1 5;. Un-qualified per fines being deprived , the benefice vakis , and the Tatron not prefent and, thericht of prejentation perteinis to the 'Presbyterie , but prejudice of the t aches , Jet be the per fin deprived. OUR SOVERAINE LORD Confidering the great abufes quhilkis ar lairlie croppen in the Kirk, dirow the misbehaveouroffikperfones, as ar provided to Ecclefiafticall functions: Sik as Parfonages and Vicarages, within onie Parochin, and thereafter neglecting their charge, ather leave their cure, or els com- mittis fik crimes, faultes, or enormities, that they ar found worthie of the fentence of deprivation, ather before their awin Presbyterie, or elfe before the Synodail or Generall aflemblies. Quhilk fentence is the lefle regarded be them, Becauie albeit they be deprived of their fu ndion and Cure within the Kirk : zit they thinke they may bruik lawfullie the profites and rentes of their faidis benefices, induring their life-rentes ; Notwithstanding the faid fentence of deprivation : T herefore , OUR SOVERAINE LORD, With advife of the Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , declaris , that all and quhat-fumever fentences of deprivation , ather pro- nunced alreadic , or that happenis to be pronunced hereafter, be onie Presbyterie , Synodail, or Generall aflemblies, againft onie Parfon or Vicar , within their Jurifdicf ion, provided fen his Hienefle Coronation: All Parfones, provided to Parfonages and Vicarages, quha hes voit in Parliament , fecreit Conncell , and Sefllon , or provided thereto of auld , before the Kingis Coronation , (And Maifter George Toung , Areh- deane oi Saint- Andr ewes , being fpeciallie excepted ) is , and fall be repute in all Judgements , ane juft Icaufe to feclude the parfon before provided , and then deprived from all profites , commodities , rentes and and dewties of the faid Parfonage and Vicarage, or benefice of Cure : And that ather bee way of action, texception or reply. And that the faid fentence of deprivation , fall bee ane fufficient caufe to make the faid (Benefice, to vaike thereby. And the faid fentence being extracted , prefented to the Patrone , die faid Patrone fall be bound to prefent ane qualified perfon of new to die Kirk, within the fpace of fex Moneths Itherafter : And gif he failzie to do the fame , the faid Patrone fall tine thericht of prefentation, for that timeallanerlie : And the richt ofprefentarion to be devolved in the handes of the Presbyterie, within the quhilk the benefice lies : to the effect that they may difpons the fame , and give collation thereof , to fik an qualified