Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/328

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KING JAMES THE S E X T Licences. be decerned: quhilkdemmtiation, our faid Soveraine Lord , with his Eftaites declaris and adinittis , to be alslauchfull for intromctting with the cfcheittes, as gif the famin were maid at the mercat-croce of the head Burrowes of the Schires , quhait the faidis rebelles dwelks : Bot the faid horning fall not ferve to put the in- habitantes of die faidis Schires, in mala fide , toward the receipt , fupplie, and inter-communing with the faidis Rebelles den u need, quhill the faid denunciation of horning be ufed at the mercat-croce, of the head Burrowes of the Schire, quliair the perfones rebelles themfelves dwellis ; And that the Lordes of Counccll and Sefllon , grant na Letters of fufpenfion , upon onie paines and un-lawes of liquidat fummes , charged for be the Thefaurer, without confignation or gude fovertie, in the in-partes of the llealme. That Lyon King of Armes, within fiftene daies, after the publication of the Aftes of this prefent Parlia- ment , deliver to the Thefaurer , or his Clerk , the names of the Officiates {landing admitted, with the names of their cautioners •. as alfo the names and cautioners of the deprived officiates in time cumming. That all exemptiones and iicences fra raides and allifes, or for tranfporting of forbidden guddes (gif onie fall happen to be granted) fall be fubferived be the Thefaurer for compofition to his Hienes ufe. And to be regiilrat in the Theiau rers regifter , to 'the effect Ire may be charged there-with in time cumming in his comptes , and diat na fik licences foe warrand in judgement , or to the fignet or privie feale, wantand the fubfeription of the laid Mo„kes T heiaurer. And for-fameikle as the care and charge of the receiving and making compt of the Monkes por- mtioms. ^iones , fir ft fruites and fift-penhy of benefices , is committed to the charge and diligence of his Hieneffe The- faurer. Therefore ordainis and commandis the faid Thefaurer, to make ane perfite rentall of the faidis Monkes portions , firft fruites , and fift-pennie , and to charge and difcharge him therewith in his comptes. cemrnif- And that hee may be the better acquented therewith ; Ordainis all fignatours of giftes and provifiones to be <**"• paft upon onie part of the fame, to paffe his Hienes Thefaurers regiiler, and be fubferived be the keeper thereof, before it be fufficient warrand to the feales. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, widi advife of his three Eftaites in Parliament , difchargis all commifTiones of Jufticiarie granted be his Hienes of before, and nane to be granted in time cumming generally ; or for langer fpace, nor the earand in hand , may be con- veniently perflted , and that upon caution to produce the proces , and pay dut pairt of the commoditie, quhiik be the commiflion is deftmate for the Kingis ufe. izy. ty£il few-fermes and confirmathnes of the Kingis propertif , nocht paft with confent of the Comptroller , ar mill. N E N T The complaint given to his Majeftie and Eftaites of Parliament , be his Hienes Comptroller, makand mention , that diverfe and findrie infeftmentes of his Hieneffe propertie , lies paft the feales without the faid Comptrollers knawledge or confent , quhair-throw he is not able to knaw his Majefties ten- nentes, nor their zeirlie dewtie. Forreineidquhairof, our Soveraine Lord, and Eftaites of this Parliament, declairis and ordainis all infeftmentes of few-ferme , or confirmation^ of the proper landes perteining to his Hienes Crown, that are made {en the entrie of this prefent Comptroller to his office , or to be maid in time cumming , without the exprefle confent and knawledge of the faid Comptroller the time of the making there- pf, andlubfcriptionofhishand, and paffing his Regifter, quhairby the eftait ofthefaides Landes ar onie wife altered or innovate , to bee null and of nane availe , in all time cumming , albeit the fame be paft throw all the feales. Becaufe the Comptroller ftild knaw quhen onie tennentes is altered or newlie entered to the Kinges propertie , and that the wanting of the Comptrollers fubfeription to the fignatoures , quhiik is the warrand of the faid original Chartour , fall be ane fufficient caufe of reduction. n8. For the better keeping of the Kingis Tarkes. UPv SOVERAINE LORDE, with advife of his Eftaires , confiddering the great skaith done tohisParkes and Forreftes, be the libertie that everie man ufurpis, be the in-putting of all kinde of guddes in them , but ony licence , had and obteined thereto ; Quhair-throw the faidis Parkes and Forreftes ar alluterlie deftroyed and maid unprofitable for his Majefties ufe : Therefore it is ftatute and ordained , that quhat-fum-ever guddes, not in-put be the Comptroller, or onie havande his power, fall be at onie time alter this prefent Parliament , found pafturing within onie his Majefties Parkes and Forreftes ; It fall be lauch- full to the Comptroller , or onie havand our Soveraine Lordis power,to intromette-with the famin as efcheitte, and in-bring them to his Majefties ufe , without onie danger of Law , or perrell to follow there-upon. And . that letters be direct hereupon, be the Lords of fecreit Counccll , Seffion or Checker : Chargeing all and findrie , within ten daies warning , to redde ard remove their haiil guddes out of the faidis Parkes : With cer- tification and he failzie, the faid ten daies being by-paft , they fall be efcheitted and in-brocht to his Majefties ufe and behoove : And that publication bee maid hereof at the Paroche Kirkes , and mercat-croces of the Burrowes nixt adjacent , to the faidis Parkes and Forreftes. I 1x9. Anent the enftome of 'Englifli guddes , and fearchingof guddes cuftomahle. TEM, OUR SOVERAINE LORD And Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , ratifies, apprie- vis and confirmis , the act of fecreit Counccll , maid upon the penult day of Februar , ane thoufand , five hundreth,