Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/361

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FOVRTENTH PARLIAMENT. VIII. ofjunij.x^. m ufe, and the uther halfe to the Forefters and keipers. And Iikewife , it is ftatute and ordained , thatnoper- fon nor perfones fall hunt nor halke, within the boundes of fex miles to onie of his Hienes Woods, Parkes, Caftelles, andPalices. And in-cafe ony doe in the contrair , that ilk perfon contraveening , fall pay the fummeofane hundreth pounds money, theanehalfethereoftothedelatouresofthem, and the uther halfe to his Hienes ufe. Andals, quhat-fum-ever perfon fall be deprehended, or tryed till have flane hartes , or oniekindeofwildefouleinfnaw, or onie uther time with gunnes or girnes , orzitbeisfoundto have fhotat duik , draik , or ony uther vvilde-foul with ane hagbut , within onie part oi this Realm , that they fall be i ab- ject to the forefaid penaltie of ane i oo. pounds. And in-cafe they , or onie of them beis not refponfall , to be punifhed in their perfones , at his Hienes will and pleafour. XII. Anent the "Privileges of the College ofjujlice. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, With advife of his Eftaites in Parliament , ratifies, apprievis and confirmis all and quhat-fum-ever privileges, liberties, and immunities, granted of before be his Majeftie, and his maift noble Progenitoures , to the Chancellar and haill Senatoures , baidi Spiritual and Temporall, and members of the College of Juftice , for maintenance of them in their perfones, honoures, and dignities , and for bruiking of their landes, rents, Benefices and penfions , in fik forme as is conteined in the firft erection of the faid College , and as they and their Predeceflours hes bruiked and poflefled fenfine, conforme to the Ratification thereof in Parliament, or in onie uther Acts , Lawes, Statutes, maid be his Majeftie , or his Predeceflbures , in favoures of the faid College , Senatoures and members thereof, in all poyntes : Notwithftanding quhat-fum-ever Aetes , or conftitutions that may appeare to dero- gate fra the fame. xix. Ksfnent the declining of the Senatours of the College ofjujlice , quha ar Father, Brother, or Sonne to the parties. OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, With advife of his Eftaites in this prefent Parliament , ftatutis andordainis, that na Senatoures of the College of Juftice, ordinar or extraordinar , fall fit, or vote in onie adion or caufe intended, or to be intended before them, quhair the parties perfewer or defender , is aither their Father, Brother, or Sonne: fwa that the Father fall in na wife be Judge in the Sonnis cafe , the Sonne in the Fathers cafe , nor the Brother in the Brothers , bot be declined therein. O xi 3. Anent the beginning of the Harveft vac ane e. UR SOVERAINE LORDE, With advife of the Eftaites of Parliament , confidering the great 'skaidi that the Lieges fufteinis, throw fitting of the Seffion , after the firft day of Auguft , harveft being in monie partes of the cuntrie , alreadie then begun. And underftanding that the Lordes of Sefilon , are content during the haill Summer SeiTion, toenterintheTolbuith, and call maters daylie at audit houres, quhair as their ordinar diet was not quhillny ne: Therefoir ftatutis and ordainis that the harveft vacance fall begin the firft day oii^Auguft ; And the Seifion to fit bot the laft day oijulii inclufiue. xi 4. That nam fall be compelled to produce procuratories or inflrumehtes of refigna- tion, precepts of clarc conftat, or nther precepts of faijingof Lands or annual-rents, poffeffed be them befoir the fp ace of four tie zeiris. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, And Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, underftanding that finctrie oi his Hienes Lieges , are heretablie infeft in divers lands , and annual-rents within this Realme, like as their predeceflbures and authores, fra quhome their richts theirof proceidis , hes bene heretablie infeft in the famin Landes & annual-rentes : And be vertevv of their feveral infeftmentes,& life-rentes theirin referved, they and their Predeceflbures and authoures , hes bruiked the foirfaidis landes and annual-rentes be the fpace of fourtie zeires cogidder • Notwithftanding quhairof , the faids infeftmentes , maid and granted to them and their Predeceflburs and audioures , are fundrie times drawen in queftion, for laik and want of procuratories of refignation , inftruments of refignation , precepts of dare conftat, or utheris precepts of faifing, quhilki? are not extant to be produced and ufed , in refpeft that the famin are tynt and amitted , partlie be iniquitieof time , pardie be perifching of protocolles and fcroiles of notares : partlie for none-delivering of the famin , be the perfones, fellares, and difponeres theirof: pairdie becaufe the evidents of comprifed Landes ufes to be abftrafted and with-halden upon malice of pairties : and pairdie , as eviderttes not thocht neceflare to have bene keiped , after fa lang time : Be reafone diat die chartoures makis mention of the procuratories and in- ftruments of refignationes , and inftruments of faifing makis mention of the preceptes of faifing , quhair-upon the famin proceides. For remeide quhairof , OUR faid SOVERAINE LORD, with advife of his faidis Eftaites , and haill bodieofdiis prefent Parliament, findis, decernis, anddeclaris, that nane of his Hienes Lieges , may be compelled , after the fpace of fourtie zeires , to produce procuratories or inftru- mentcs of refignation , precepts oiclare conftat , or utheris precepts of faifing of landes , or annual-rentes, quhairof