Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/374

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3f KING JAMES THE S E X T brocht within this Realme hereafter , quhair-unto his Hieneffe fubjeftes ar aftrifted to bring in , bee his Ma- jeflies Lawes , asBulzieon: The ounce thereof, being oi twelve denieres , Or being baher, andfupplied bee compt and quantitie , to bee woorth twelve Denieres : THE Merchandes in-bringers thereof , fall have ane ounce of his Hieneffe awin cuinzie of elleven denieres for everie ounce of bulzieon , brought in maner fore-faide : A N D of all uther foreine Cuinzie , that they fall voluntarlie bring in to the Cuinzie-houfe of the faide ordinar Bulzieon : That there be onlie the threttie pennie thereof reteined to his Majefties profite. And alfwa ordainis , that all the faide Lieges , conforme themfelves in this mater of the Cuinzie : to the Will , declaration and determination of his Majeftie , his Nobilide , Councell , and Eftaites forefaids : And on na-wayes take upon hande to brcake , or contraveene the famin in ony part , as they will anfwere to his Hieneffe, upon their obedience , at their uttermaift charge and perreli : And under thepaines prefcrived in his Hieneffe Lawes , to be execute upon diem without favour. And to this efFeft, that the Thefaurar and his deputes , infift, and feeke the execution of the paines and punilhmentes prefcrived in the faidis Lawes, acrainft the contraveeners thereof, with all rigour and extremitie , as they will anfwere to his Hieneffe , upon their office and obedience : And that the Generall Maifter Cuinzieour, Warder, Counter warde , Mai- fter Cuinzieor, affayer, finker, meltare, forger, and all uthers officiates of his Hienes Cuinzie-houfe, proceede to the cuinzieing , ftriking, and forgeing of new Cuinzie, according to the Lawes alreadie maid, and this prefent afte and ordinance, as they will anfwere to his Hieneffe , upon their offices. And to the effect his Majefties fubjeftes may be refolved of the prices of all golde and filver to be brocht be diem within this Realme : And quhiik the Maifter Cuinzieour fall be aftrifted to paye to them , conforme to the tenour of tlur prefents , he fall be aftrifted to have openlie affixed in his houfe ol exchange , ane authen- tick Table , to be maid be his Hieneffe Commiffioners , appoynted to that efFeft , conteinand the particular prices ofallfpeces of foreine Gold and Silver, ufuallie in-brocht within this Cuntrie : According to the availe, weioht, and fines thereof : And that the Clerke of his Hieneffe Regifter , caufe imprent thir pre-' fentes, and all uther Acts maid concerning the Cuinzie , Cuftomes, and Bulzieon, quhair throw his Hie- neffe fubjeftes pretend na ignorance thereol : Quhiik afte abone written , our faid Soveraine Lord , with advife of the faids Eftaites in Parliament, ratifies, apprievis, and confirmis in all pcyntes , after the tenour thereof : And decernis and dedans the famin , to have the ftrength, force and effect of ane Law and afte of Parliament , in all time cumming. %<)0. Wooll fuld not be transported foorth of the Realme. OUR Soveraine Lord , and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , ratifies, apprievis, and confirmis the aft maid at T>nndle , the threttenth day of CMaij , the zeir of God , ane thoufand, five hundreth, ninetie feven zeires : Anent the reteiningofwooll within this Realme : Of the quhiik the tenour follovvis. THE Quhiik day, the Kingis Majeftie , with advife of his Nobilitie , Councell, and Eftaites, prefentlie conveened, ratifies, apprievis, and confirmis the Afte of Parliament, maid be his Hieneffe , and his E- ftaites for the time ; Anent the receiving and reteining within this Realme, of all the wooll quhiik growis within the fame, in all and findry poyntes , artickles, and claufis therein conteined : And ordainis the faid aft to be put to dewe execution in all poyntes againft the contraveeners thereof: notwithftanding ony licences or uther difpenfation , granted be his Hieneffe in the contrair : Quhilkis licences and difpenfationes , ftrength and eff eft thereof, his Majeftie annullis , and difchargis^w^Z/V/^r be thir prefentes : Prornitting on na wayes, to grant ony fik licences or difpenfationes at ony time hereafter : And that craftef-men ftrangers , be brocht hame within this Cuntrie, for woorking of the faid wooll within the famin, for the commoun weill and pro- fite thereof, in time cumming : Quhiik afte abone written, our faid Soveraine Lorde, with advife of the Eftaites in Parliament , ratifies, and confirmis in all poyntes , after the tenour thereof : And decernis and declaris the famin to have the ftrength of ane Law and afte of Parliament , in all time cumming. 2. 5 1 . _All Merchand'ice brocht within this Realme , fiddpay cujiome. OUR Soverain Lord , and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, rarifies , apprievis, and confirmis , the act maid at T>undie , the threttenth day oiMaij , the zeire of God, ane thoufand, five hundreth, ninetie feven zeires •. A nent our Soveraine Lordis cuftomes ; of the quhiik the tenour followis : FORSAMEI- KLE A i it is under ftand to the Kingis Majeftie, his Nobilitie, Councell, and Eftaites, prefentlie con- veened, diat the fubjeftcs of all Foreine Nationes, quhilkis bringis and tranfportis ony kinde of claith, or uthers wares or Merchandice , from ony Foreine Cuntrie , to their awin Native Cuntrie , lies bene in ufe, and zit ftill continues , in the payment of certaine cuftome , or uther exaftion therefore , chiefelie at the time of their arrivall , and in-cumming within the famin : And almaift few or nane of the fubjeftes of ony Realme exeemed thercira (the fubjeftes of the Cuntry onely excepted quha be reafon of ane alleaged by-part immunitie , claimis the priviledge of exemption ) Albeit it cannot be denied bot his Majeftie is a free Prince , of a Soveraine power , havand als greate liberties and Prerogatives , be the Lawes of this Realme, and Priviledge of his Crowne and Diademe , as ony uther King, or Prince, or Potentate quhat-fum-ever : And therefore audit to have the like cuftome and exaftion , for interteinine of his Princelie Eftaite of