Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/380

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35 8 KING JAMES THESE XT xjz. Barronnes fuld fend to the Parliament CommiJJloners with fiifficient commijftones. OUR SOVERAINE LORD, And Eftaites of Parliament, ftatutis and ordainis , that na Barron- nes be received as Commiffioners , for ony Schireftedome within this Realme , at ony Parliament , to be halden hereafter : Except the faidis Barronnes bring and produce with them fufficient Commiffiones, granted to them in ane full convention of the haill Barronnes of the faid Schireffedome : Quhilk Commiffion fall be authorized , with the fubfcription of ane great number of the Barronnes then prefent, togidder with the Gierke of the faid convention, his fubfcription : And gifthe faid Commiffion be not pad in dew forme, in maner forefaid , his Hienelle and Eftaites , difchargis the Clerk of Regifter , in all time hereafter , of ony receiving of their faidis Commiffiones. z -J 3 . Trifen-houfes fuld be bigged within all Burr owes. OUR Soveraine Lorde , and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , underftanding that tor want of fuffi- cient and fure prifones , jailles, and warde-houfes , findrie rebclles and tranfgrefibures of the Lawes, alfweill criminall , ascivill, efcapis un-punifhed , and Juftice contemned : For remeid quhairof, our Sove- raine Lorde and Eftaites , hes ftatute and ordained , that within the fpace of three zeires, in all Burghes with- in this Realme , there be fufficient and fure jailles and warde-houfes bigged , up-halden and mainteined be the Proved, Baillies, Councell, and Communities of the faidis Burrowes , upon their awin commoun gude, or utherwayes upon the charges of the Burgh : And that for fure imprifoning, warding, keiping and de- teinmg of all fik perfones, tranfgrefloures of his Hicneffe Lawes, upon their awin expenies , alfweill crimi- nal] as civill , as fall be prefented unto them, be the Schireffe of theSchire : To Stewards and Baillies of Regalities, within the quhilk the faids Burghes arfituate, and fpeciallie quhair their judicatorie fittis : And alfwa all uthers perfones prefented ather to warde , be vertew of their awin authoritie within Burghes , or utherwayes , upon letters of caption directed to them. X74. t^Sient dimijfion of Benefices conteining refervation of the life-rent of the re- fignant. FO R S A M E I K L E As in the Parliament halden at Edinburgh , in the Moneth of Auguft , the zeir of God , ane thoufand , five hundreth, fourcfcore , foure zeires , All Succeffburies and Provifiones to Ab- bacies , Commendataries , Priories , and Nunries within this Realme , maid be the titulars thereof for the time, in favour of their Succefloures, nominate bee them , and giftes graunted to them there- upon , bee OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, conteining refervationes of the dimitteris life-rent of the fame , in refpecleofthemanifefteabufe and corruption thereof, are retreated , refcinded and declared to bee null in. thefelfe. QUHILK ACTE Of Parliament , is declared be ane utherAcle of Parliamente, maid in the Moneth of lulij , the zeir of God, ane thoufand, five hundreth , fourefcore threttene zeirs , to be extend- ed to fik provifiones allanerly , as fuld happen to be purchafed , after the making of the faid firft Ad: : Andnochttofikprovifions as was dewlie and lauchfullie paft, before the making of the faid firft Acle, , quhairupondiverfe perfones hes taken occafion to purches and obteine giftes and provifiones of the faidis Benefices , as Succefloures nominate thereto , bee their PredecefToures : And upon their dimiffion , with refervation of their life-rentes : And hes antedated the fignatoures thereof, as gif the famin had bene paft , before the making of the faid firft afte of Parliamente : And zit hes nocht paft the famin , throw the greate feale , quhill lang after the making of the faid laft act of Parliament : quhilk declaris plainelie, the manifeft fraude and falfed of the faidis provifiones. Quhilks provifiones , ar nocht onlie maill wrangeouflie and furreptitiouflie purchafed , as faid is : Bot alfwa ar maift prejudicial to his Hienes in his rente , and commoditie of the Temporal landes thereof: Quhilk perteinis to OUR SOVERAINE LORDE, bee the Acle of Annexation , as ane parte of the patrimonie of his Crowne : And there- fore OUR faid SOVERAINE LORDE, and Eftaites forefaidis , confiddering the manifeft fraud and falfed committed in the purchasing of the faidis pretended provifiones: AND FOR OB- V I AT I N G Of the famin , retreads , refcindis , caffis and annullis all fik provifiounes of Abbacies, Priories, and Nunries, and uthers benefices maid, or to bee maid, be quhat-fum-ever perfon orper- fons, paft upon the dimiffion of their Predeceflbures , and conteining the refervation of their life-rentes, as faidis: Quhiikis were nocht dewlie and lauchfullie paft and exped , with all folemnities : And fpeciallie quhilkis were nocht pafte and exped throuch his Hieneile greate feale , before the making of the faid firft aft of Parliament maid there-anent, quhilk was in the moneth of Auguft , the zeir of God, ane thoufand, five hundreth, auchtie foure zeires : And before the acl of annexation : Bee the quhilk, the Temporal Landes was annexed to his Majefties Crowne: And declaris the famin to have bene from the beginning , and to be null in all time cumming , of nane availe , force , nor effect , with all that hes followed , or j may follow thereupon. 2-75- Qf