Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/412

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390 KING JAMES THE S E X T •ferme r rent yaflc of his Majefties propertie , whereof his Majeftie receaves na yearlie profire , be fee in Few- heritablie, to fik perfons as will give maift therefore ; for the augmentation of his Majefties proper . w ithin this Realme. Hes with ane advy ce and confent by their decreit in Parliament , diflblved , and by die termor of this prefent acl difiblves from his Majefties Crown and Patrimony of the famine , all and haill the hiiies of the Lowmonds and Mooresof Falkland , with the proper parts and pertinents thereof, annexed of before to his Hcichnes Crown and patrimonie thereof, now and in all tyme hereafter, to remaine feparate and dilTolved from all former annexations thereof. To the effect the famine may be fet in Few- ferme heritablie , in haill or in part , to fik perfon or perfons as will give maift therefore , in augment ration of his Majefties proper rent. io. t^tfef dnent Salvo Jure Cujuflibet. FO R S A M E I K L E as in this prefent Seffion of Parliament , there are many Ratifications pafi:, where- in divers and new claufes are infert , whilk may be prejudicial to particular parties rights and derogative to many and divers lawes , lawfullie made and eftablilhed of before. Albeit the meaning of the Eftaites be at this tyme as it was ever in all prseceiding Parliaments , that by na acT: of Ratification any other partie ihould be hurt or prejudged. For remeid whereof , It is ftatute and ordeined, that na Ratification pail in this Seffion of Parliament , ihall be prejudicial! to any privat parties right, but that the faids Ratifications be alwyfe underftude whither the famine be general or fpecial , to be Salvo Jure cujuflibet. FINIS. ANE TABLE Of the T ART ICVLAR tAGTS and others , pafi in the xviij. Tarliament , halden at Perth , the ninth day of Julie , 1606. not imprinted. 1 A NENT the keeping of the Kings hottfes. 2, _£_ Act anent the Taxation and collecting thereof 3 ASt anent tfe granting of the Taxation. 4 Ratification to the Earle ofDumbav of the Earledome 0/Dumbar and other lands. 5- An acquit ance and difcharge to the Earle ^/"Dumbar of the Kings Jewels andgarderob, 6 Acl anent the Chappel-Rqyall , and exceptions therefra. 7 Commiffion anent the erections. 8 KB in favours of the Tenants of Cafche. 9 Ac t in favours of the Archbifloop o/Sancl-Androes infatisfactionfor Monimail. I o Act anent the erection of the Kirk 0/Xeith be north the bridge in a Taroch Kirk. II Act anent the difmembring of certaine Towns from the Kirk of EWtm, and incorforatingthefamind to the Kirk ofShnes. ii Erection of the Kirk tffPrefton. 13 Erection of the Kirk <j/"Portincraig. 14 Act in favour of the Burgh of Edinburgh. 15- Act in favour of the Burgh of Perth. 16 Act in favour of the Burgh tf/^Dondie. 17 Act in favour of the Burgh ^/"Aberdein. 18 Ane other in favour thereof . 19 Act in favour of the Burgh of Irving. 20 Act in favour of the Burgh e/^Bamf, 11 Ratification of the Kirk of Nether- Airlie to Sir Thomas "Lyon ^Auldbar K. 2z Act in favour 0/Williarne Commendator ^/"Tungland. z 5 Act in favour of Maifter John Prefton c/'Pennicuke, Collector general!. 24 Act in favour of James Hay c/Fingask. 2.5- Act in favour of Patrik Kinnard of that Ilk. -lG Act in favour of CM. Alexander Hay anent the lands of Dron, &c. iy Act in favour of Marjorie Marjoribanks the Relict of John Durie Minifter. % 8 Ratification in favour of the Marqueis of Hammilton and Marqueis gf Huntlie of their dignities. Z9 Rati-