Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/415

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NINTENTH "PARLIAMENT. XL oft_Auguft. i6o 7 . 593 and proper Lochs , in the haill poynts , articles and claufes thereof. And ordeins the famine to be put to execution againft the contraveiners thereof. And farther , the Eftaites forefaids , ftatutes and ordeines , that whafoever ihall be found hereafter to break down his neighbours woods and park-dykes , fenfes, ftankes or clofours, to paftour within the faids fenfes , cut trees, broome, or fheare grafle with- in the famine , or yet breaks Dowcats , fteals Bees and Fifties in proper ftankes and lochs , ihall be conveined and called therefore as ane breaker of the Law y either before the privie Councell , or any other ordinare Magiftran within this Realme , at the option of the partie compleiner ; and the penal- tie to be impofed and taken of the contraveiners, before the faids Ordinare inferiour Judges, not to ex- ceed the fumme of fourtie punds money of this Realme. And the Secret Councell to impofe fik pe- nalties againft the contraveiners of this prefent act , as after tryell taken in the caufe , they Ihall finde die offence to merite and deferve. But prejudice alwyfe of putting of all former Acts of Parliament made thereanent to execution, after die tennour thereof in all poynts; to the whilk this prefent act ihall make na derogation. 4, Anent Crafts-men. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this Parliament , Ratifies, approves and con- firmes the Act of Parliament made by King JAMES the Fifth of worthie memorie , Intituled, Act anent the conduction of Crafts-men, whilk is the hundreth and elleventh Act, in the haill poynts, Articles and Claufes thereof. And ordeins the famin to have effect , and be put to execution in tyme comming after die tennour thereof. Notwithftanding whatfomever act or ftatute made in the contrare thereof lenfyne. 5-. Ratification in favours of the Burr owes. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , Ratifies, approves and confirmes all and whatfomever acts of Parliament and Lawcs , made in favours of the free Burrowes of this Realme , at any tyme of before ; with all auncient liberties , priviledges and immunities granted to them by OUR faid SOVERAIGNE LORD , or by any of his Heighnes Prcdiceflburs at arty tyme by-gane. C. Aci againft unfreemen. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament , Ratifies, aoproves and confirmes all Acts, Lawes, Decreits and Priviledges granted or given in favours of his Heighnes Ifree Royall Burrows. And confidering the great hurt and skaith , daily fuftained by the Burgeffes inhabitants pf his Majefties Royall Burrowes, wha underlyes and beares all burdings impofed upon the Eftaite of Bur- towes , in all his Majefties fervices , throw the continuall entereile of unfree traffickers , dwelling in divers {parts of this Realme , not being Burgeffes of the faids Royall Burrowes. And nevertheleffe , keepes and Kalds open buiths , buyes and felles Marchandice , and otherwyfe ufes the liberties and priviledges of free Surgefies , as ii they were Burgeffes and actuall refidents within the faids Royall Burrowes , in manifeft de- raudof OUR SOVERAIGNE LORDS Cuftomes, and to the prejudice of the liberties of the aids free Royall Burrowes. And therefore , ftatutes and ordeins , that all unfree perfons not being actuall Jurgefles of the faids free Royall Burrowes , wha beares not burding and payes not taxt and ftent to his Ma- eftie , ihall defift and ceafe from ufing of any Trade of Marchandice, or of the Liberties and Priviledges fore- aids of the faids free Royall Burrowes , under the paines conteined in the Acts of Parliament , maae anent infree traffickers of before. And that letters of horning be direct hereupon charging whatfomever unfree- nen, and ufurpers of the Priviledge of the faids Burrowes , to finde fufficient caution for obedience of this ^ct. And als that letters of Horning be direct upon all Acts and Decreits of Burrowes, given at their con- entions betwix Burgh and Burgh , and Burgeffes of free-Burrowes, upon ane fimple charge often dayes, without calling of the partie. 7. Anent the Stain-heven within the CMeirnes. DUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this prefent Parliament, Ratifies and approves die Act made of before in his Heighnes Parliament halden at Edinburgh, the xv. day of November, || 600. yeares , whereof the tennour followes. OUR SOVERAIGNE LORD, and Eftaites of this I Irefent Parliament, underftanding the great prejudice fuftcined by the Leiges of this Realme, where the fjudgmentfeatsofSchirefsand others Judges are not fa commodious, neither in building nor fituation, as •lie Schiref, odier Judges and their deputes may convenientlie fit , nor the parties may refort thereto. And ibeciallie that the Schiref of the Meirnes, alias, Kincardin, and his deputes have bene in ufe thir many I :eares to fit at Kincardin , where there is neither ane Tolbuith nor any houfe to parties to ludge into for their ■ ntertainment. Nor yet is the place in the midft of the Shyre , whereby the Leiges of the faid Schirefdome ' "egteadie damnified. For remeid whereof , IT Is ftatute and ordeined, that the Schiref q£ the Schiref- H h h 3 dome