Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/467

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XXIII. TARLIAMENT. IV. of^fugnft. i6xi. 445 ere e and Biftiops for the Spirituall Eftate , have granted that there fliall bee up-lifted of all Arch-Bifhop- ricks , Bifhopricks , Abbacies , Priories , and other inferiour benefices within this Realme , at every ane of the Foure Tearmes above-fpecified , the juft Taxation thereof, as they have been ac- cuftomed to be taxed unto at all time by-gone, whenfoever the temporal Lands of this Realme wer ftented to thirty Shillings of auld extent : And the fame Taxation to be payed at every ane of th foure feveral Tearmes above-fpecified. And the Commiffioners of Burrowes "for their ESTATE have granted , that there mail bee up-lifted of all Burrowes within this Realme , at even- ane of the FoureTearms above-written, the juft Taxation thereof, as they have been accuftomed to be taxed in all time by-gone , whenfoever the temporal Landes within this Realme were ftented to thirtie fhil- lings the pound land of auld extent. And the faid taxation to be payed at every ane of the Foure fe- veral tearmes above-writren. And in regard that his Majefty hath erected fundry Prelacies in tempo- ral Lordfhips , whereby the owners thereof may claime to be taxed with the Barons of the tem- porall Eftate , and therethrow his Highnefs will be defrauded of a great part of the fame tax- ation. THEREFORE IT IS Statute and Ordained , that all Erections of Prelacies , and other final Benefices, in whole or in part , in Temporal Lordihips, fliall in payment of the faid taxation , pay to the Collectors thereof fo meikle of the fame Taxation [prorata] as if they were no-wife erected, and as they were fubject to do before the erection of the fame. And ficklike, IT IS Statute and ordain- ed , That all diflblved Benefices within this Realme, in whole or in part, mall bee fubject inpayment of fo meikle of the fame Taxation [pro rata~zs they would have been fubject to pay fo the fame had not be.en diflblved , and that the parties who have gotten any part or portion of any Prelacies , or other inferior Benefices diflblved , and new fecurities made unto them by his Majeftie , of that part and por- tion thereof fo diflblved, fliall be fubject to the payment of the Taxation thereof to the Prelate, or other beneficed perfon for his reliefe of the fame Taxation ; as they would have been, fo the fame'had not been diflblved : Notwithftanding of any condition contained in the infeftments and fecurities made by his Majefty to them in the contrary hereof. AND FORDER, the faidsEftates Annulles and difcharges all Priviledges and Immunities what- foever, wherebv any perfons may think themfelves free of payment of this prefent Taxation (the Pri- viledges granted to the Ordinar Senators of the Colledge of Juftice, and the Taxation of the Benefi- ces given , difponed and mortified for the incertainment of rhe Univerfities and Colledges within this Kingdom only excepted. ) AS A L S O the faids Eftates conftdering that befides the ordinary charges which his Majefty doth daily undergoe for the maintenance of the Honour , Eftate and Dignity of his Highnes Kingdomes ; The extraoidinarie burdirigs which now lye upon his Majefty by the occafions before-written , are fo great , and do fo neare concern every Loyal and true hearted Subject of this Kingdome , as members of that body whereof his Majefty is the head : that in duty they think them- I fclves bound to bear a part of that burden, and to relieve his Majefty thereof. Therefore befides the Ordinar Taxation above-written , THE faids Eftates have for the fpace of Four years next and imme- i diatly following the Tearme of Martinmefle next to come , Voluntarly and freely granted to his Maje- fty a yearly extraordinar Taxation of the Twenty pennie of all Annual-rents, which any perfon oroer- ! fons within this Kingdom have freely due and payable to them yearly or tcarmly [ their own Annual- rent wherein they are addebted to others, being firft deduced. ] The firft Tearmes payment whereof I ihall bee and begin at the faid Feaft and Tearme of Martinmefle next to come, and fo forth yearly and I tearmly at Whitfunday and Martinmefle , while the faids four years and the eight Tearms payment thereof be fully and compleatly out-run. And for the better tryal of every man his Annual-rent which I he hath yearly or Tearmly due to him : IT IS ordeined, that this Act mall be publifhed at the Mar- iket-crofle of the Burgh of Edinburgh, and of the whole head Burrowes of the Shu-refFdoms, Stevvard- ! ries , Bailliries , and Regalities , within this Kingdome , whereby all his Majefties Lieges may have true notice thereof. And therewithal the faids Eftates WILLES, Ordains and Commands , all his Ma- jefties Lieges that have any Annual- rent payed to them , That they compear within the faid Head Burgh of the Shirreffdome, Stewardrie, Baillirie, or Regality, or the Head Burgh in any of thefe Jurifdidtions 1 where the head Courts are halden,and where the (aids Annual-renters dwell , or have their ordinar refidence, in any court/day in ane of the laft Weekes Immediately preceeding Whitfonday or Martinmefle. At which •time the Shfrreffs, Stewards, Baillies, and Baillies of Regalities , and Proveft and Baillies of burrows, !who are heretable Shirreffs within themfelves, within the bounds of their Jurifdictions : fliall be obli- fhed to hold Courts weekly to the effect after-fpecified. And the Lieges reforting to the faids Courts, fliall give up Inventors to the Clerk thereof, of the whole fummes of money for which Annual is due to them yearly and tearmly,the names of the Debters : Asalfothe whole fummes of money for the which they are fubject in payment of annuel-rent to others, with the names of the Creditors to whom the fame is due, whether the fame annual-rent be in Victual or Silver, The annual-rent of Vicfual to be eftimate according to the Stock of money for the which it is paid at Ten for ilk hundreth thereof , And ihall caufe the parties up-givers of the faids Inventors,every party fubferive his own Inventor himfelf if he can write,and if he P p p cannot