Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/519

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OF KING CHARLES THE FIRST. 495- nors to brooke and hold their faid lands heritablie, as they were holden before the alteration of the faid holding. ITEM, His Majeftie with confentforefaid, revoks, cafTes, annuls, retreats, and refcinds all Regalities and gifts of Regalities, and all confirmations, and ratifications of the faid gifts and regalities, made, given, or granted, orconfentedto by his Majeftie, or his faid umwhile deareft Father, or any other hisMajefties Predeceflbrs , kings of Scotland, againft the Acls and ftatutes, that no Regalities Ihould be given in heritage, without advice & deliberation of the whole Parliament, together with all charters, infeftments, confirmations, gifts de no vo damns: And other rights whatfoever, made by his Majeftie or his Predeceflbrs above-named, of whatfoever heritable offices, againft the lawes and Acls of Parliament of the Kingdome. ITEM, His Majeftie with confent forefaid, revokes, cafles, annuls, retreats , and refcinds all new creation of lands, baronies, and annexations, and unions of divers lands in fee, which are made by his Majeftie , or his faid umwhile deareft Father , or any other of his Majefties Predeceflbrs, Kings of Scotland, in prejudice of their due fervice owing of before: Together with all difcharges given of the faid fervice, and lutes of court due of old : And that in fo larre as the fame is, or may be found to be un- lawfully made or againft the laws of the Kingdome. ITEM, His Majeftie with confent forefaid, revokes, cafies, annuls -, retreats and refcinds , all new; Infeftments, made and given by his Majeftie, or his faid umwhile deareft Father, or any other his Majefties Predeceflbrs, Kings of Scotland, of creation of Baronies, and Lordfhips annext to the Crowne forefaid^ in favour of whatfoever perfon, in fo farre as the fame is , or may be verified , tohavebeene made and grant- ed unlawfully, and againft die laws of the Kingdome. ITEM, His Majeftie with confent forefaid, revokes, cafles, annuls, retreats, and refcinds all Infeftments , gifts, and difpofitions whatfoever, fet, given and granted by his Majeftie, or his faid umwhile deareft Father, or any other his Majefties Predeceflbrs, Kings of Scotland, To whatfoever perfon or perfons in fee, few-ferme, or life-rent, of whatfoever Hofpitals, Mafondieus, lands, or rents appertaining theretojnhurtor prejudice of their confeiences, and againft the laws and Afts of Parliament of the Kingdome, to the end, rhat the faid Hofpitalls may be reduced to the firft infti- tution, for upholding of the poore, fo farre as may be done by the lawes of the Kingdome. Pro- viding alwayes, that the rents of the Trinitie Colledge befide the burgh of Edinburgh and other rents dfllgned to the Hofpitall and Colledge erected by the Proved , Bayliftes, and Councel of the burgh of Edinburgh, be no wayes comprehended under this prefent Revocation. ITEM, His Majeftie with confent forefaid, revokes, cafles, annuls retreats, and refcinds all and whatfo- ever gifts, penfions, gifts of fees, wages, liveries, and difpofitions out of his Majefties cafualities, and coffers given by his Majeftie, or by any of his Majefties noble Progenitors ( except filch as fhall be of new granted by his Majeftie againe ) together with all Prefentations to offices and places, which by the laws of the Realme fall under his Majefties Revocation, excepting alwayes the prefentations, fees, and penfions given to the ordnary officers of the Crowne after fpecified, then' Deputes, andClerkes, and to the other perfons after mentionate, which are declared no wayes to fall within this prefent Revocaton i ilThey are to fay, The fees and penfions given and affigned to the Thefaurer, Comptroller, and Colle&of iprincipalrAnd to his Majefties depute Thefaurer, and to rheir Deputes and Clerkes: To the Secretary iprincipafand his Deputs: To the Clerke of Regiftery, to hisMajefties Advocat,& the Juftice, Juftice-Clerke, land their Deputs, and to the Mafter of Requefts, and to the proclor for the poore, director of the Chancel- Kane, and dictator of the Rolls. And alfo declares the penfions and others underwritten , no wayes to fall lunder his Majefties Revocation , viz. The penfion to the Dukof "Lennox, his umwhile Father or Uncle ■ The penfion to the Earle of Morton,vith the tacke and afledation of Orknay and Zetland: The penfion to {xtKobertKeroiAncrum: the penfion to Mr. ]obn Sandelands ■. The penfion to Sir James Lokart ■. The penfion to fir James Livingflon-. The penfion to fir William Baljowr: The penfion to Halbcrt CMax- mvell: The penfion to fir lames Carmichal: The penfion to fir lames Ram/ay: And the penfion to fir John Murray oiKevilrige, which his Majeftie and Eftates declare fhall ftand inefieft, notwithftanding of •this prefent Revocation, ITEM, His Majeftie with confent forefaid, revokes , cafles, annuls, retreats, and refcinds all gifts, it penfions, and free difcharges of the thirds of benefices, granted by his Majeftie, or his faid umwhile > peareft Father, or any other his Majefties Predeceflbrs, Kings of Scotland, to whatfoever perfort or perfons, jfigainft the laws and Acls of Parliament of the Kingdome, with all tackes of thirds of benefices whereby the ■entailed duetie is diminifhed, or where the whole benefice is fet and difponcd in diminution of the third v thereof, in fo farre as the fame is contrarie to the lawes of the Kingdome, as faid is. ITEM, His Majeftie with confent forefaid , revokes, cafles, annuls, retreates, and refcinds all and t Ivhatibever Infeftments made by hisMajeftie or his faid umwhile deareft Father, or any other hisMajefties pre- |ieceflbrs,of any Church-lands,Frycr-lands,Monk-lands,or common-lands,which any wayes fell, and became I ti their hands as propertie, and that info far, as the fame is, or may be verified to be made contrary , anda- 1 [.ainft the laws and Ads of Parliament of the Kingdome, referving alwayes the infefrment hade for ereftion and fuftentation of Hofpitals, and Mimfters within Burrows , where there is no Xxx x aflignatiori