Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/606

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3<s Ifloe firfl 'Parliament of A<a 37- bullion. Roe-skins, ilk hundred — _s. Runds of Cloath, ilk three thoufand ells SAikranvas, ilk two hundred ells - -_ Sack-cloath, ilk two hundred ells - - Saddles covered, ilk twenty four - - ■ Saddle-flocks , ilk thirty _ Soap, ilk fix barrels >— Salmond, ilk three barrels Salt, ilk three chalders ; Saltpeter, ilk two hundred weight e J of Scots making , ilk fiity ells "" ^ es of Flanders making/ilk fifty ells — Searges of Scots making, ilk. fiity ells Sheep, ilk twenty of them ___ — — Silk of all forts, ilk four pound weight Silver, twelve 'Denier fine* . = » two ounces. — ! . _ one ounce. S Skins, called Calfskins , ilk three dacker Clipped-skins, ilk fifteen feore Cunningsskins, ilk two thoufand Fulmert-'skins, caled Fitchoes, ten dacker Futfells and SkaldingS, ilk tho ulana Goatskins, ilk three hundred Kid-skins, ilk thoufand Lamb-skins, ilk two thoufand Lentron ware, ilk thoufand' Marikin^skins made in Scotland* ilk hundred Mertrick^skins , ilk dacker — Otter-skins, ilk two dozen *" ' Shorling-skins,ilk two hundred' ~ ~ Sealch?skins,ilk twenty dacker""" Tod^skins, ilk half hundred r Vealsskins, ilk four dacker Wool-skins, ilk fifteen fcore ~ Woolkskins, ilk two dacker Roof-fparres , ilk hundred - — Sparres, RooL-iparres of Oak, ilk twenty ( Wickeivsparrcs, ilk thoufand — Smiling, every' fix bolls -j — Stirrop^irons, ilk ten dozen a S?;irrop;leathers, ilk twenty dozen Sword-blaida, ilk threefcore Swords mounted, ilk twenty < Sword-belts of Leather, ilk twelve dozen Swine, ilk ten of them Sugar of all forts, ilk fixty pound weight Sythcs, ilk threefcore of them — — c . . (ilk five hundred thereof «  Scathes, j iU . fQc barrels m Shooes, ilk hundred pair ■ — ■ Starch, ilk hundred weight ■ Slyreland, ilk hundred ells — — - Sewed Beds the piece — ! — Sulfur, ilk hundredweight A A A!low, ilk five hundred weieht Taliow, called Ndrve s Tallow, ilk fix barrels Scots Tallow, ilk three barrels . , _ Tar of great and fmall bind, ilk fix barrels ~ Tyking for beds,, ilk hundred ells two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces.- two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces. two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, three ounces, two ounces, one ounce. two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces, two ounces. Tows,