Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/615

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|&. King CHARLES the 1 i. 1661. ""*""% r ,r.e lame. And notwitflanding of this above- written Aft, and all the particulars forefaids, L eon= Mined in the fame, Our Soveraign Lord, with advice and conient of His faids Eflates, Statutes Decerns and Declares, That the erection of the faids Commiffioners and Juflices' of Peaces and grant o JurildicTrion and Priviledges to them, and the making or approbation of the particular, Acts above- Written, introduced in their favours, or any thing therein contained, ihall not be in any fort dero- gatory or prejudicial to the Rights, Priviledges and Liberties, granted and bellowed by His jkfe= jesf^ or His Highnefs Royal Predeceffors of before, to any of His Majefties Sutyt&s, cfxhau fever eftate or quality frorn the higheft to the loweft: But Declares, that the faids Rights* Priyii ledges and Liberties lhall remain in their own integrity, fafe, intire, unhurt or unprejudged by the PremiiTes, or any thing expreft in the faids Articles and every one of them, and are hoidenas efpec-'ally freferved and excepted cut of the fame. And lead thi s above-written Refervation, mould feem altogether to deflroy the power grantea |to the faids Juflices, or ihould beget controverfie betwixt them and any other having right and liberty of Jurisdiction as faid is, Our Soveraign Lord, with advice forefaid, for removing oi all quell ion, which may arife betwixt them thereanent, Declares, Thatit fhall not be lawiuilnor per- mitted to the faids Juflices, to make any Citation of Parties before their Courts, till the expiring of the fpace of fifteen dayes after the Committing of the Fact: for the which the Committer is to be con- veened: At the compleat out-tunning of the which fpace, if any having Power and Jurifdietion :as ifaid is, hath omitted and neglected to ufe and exerce the Priviiedge and Liberty of their Right and. Power; it lhall then be lawfull to the faids Juflices to make Citation, and to Proceed againft the Parties, according to the Power and Authority given to them by His Highnefs, with advice forefaid land conform to the particular Articles above- written in all points, and no ctherwayes. Ir any Party complain to a Conltable that he is thrcatned by another, then ihall the Conltable' apprehend the 1 hreatner and carry him with the party Complainer before the next Juftice of Peace, and if he reruie to go, then ihall he carry him to Prifon., Which ali and l'uniry the premiffes, Our Soveraign Lo'td, with advice and confent forefaid, Ratifies land Approves in ail points, in manner as the fame proports. And gives unto them the itrength land force of Acts and Ordinances of Parliament, and Ordains execution to pafs upon the fame as effeirs, ..XXXIX. ■ ,f* - --' JB for the Fifhirgs, and Er effing of 'Companies for ' Tr amoving of the fame, OUr Soveraign Lord, Confidering the belt and readieft means tor improving the benefit and aci= vantages which properly belong unto Him, by the Fiihes whieh are, or may be taken within the *eas, Channels, Firths and Lochs> ad,acent and furrounding this His ancient Kingdom. And toerceivifig the fame may be of great advantage.many wayes, especially in that the fame Trade .will, not oiuy be a Nurfery for Sea-faring men, and a lpeedy occafion of building Ships for His Majeftttj and His Subjects ufe, both 111 Peace and War; But likewiie will fet many poor and idle; per%s a work, and furmfh the materials of a great native Export, for the continual enriching of His Mzjefties Kingdoms by a fure foundation of Trade and Commerce. For which ends, and that the laid Trade of Fiihing may be the more effectually advanced and promo ved within this His Majifties, ancient Kingdom, His Sacred Majefty, with conient of His Eflates now convecned in this prelent Parliament, hath Erected, and by thetenour hereof Erects, Creats and Eflabliihes, particular Societies and Com- panies of His Majefties own free born naturalized Inhabitants in Scotland ; and of all others who ihall be taken and inrolled in any of the fame Companies and Societies, and admitted to the pri- viledges thereof, and fhall enter themfelves in the faid Societies within aiiy Shire or Burgh, of this laid Kingdom, one or moe, betwixt and the day of as the firft rfMerh So- cieties and Companies to the effect after-fpecified, Configuring and Creating fuch perfens who fhall enter themlelves, and their Succeffors, in a Body and Incorporation politick, to exerce the Trade tinder-written. And Ordains that none be accepted therein, except he who ihall enter the furri ; of five hundred merks Scots, at leafl, of Stock, in the faid Society. And Wils and Grants, that who- foever are of the forefaid Societies or Companies to be Conflitute, their Heirs or Affignes, frail enjoy the yearly benefit of the Stock to be given by them, in all time after the in-giving thereof ; but to have no power to uplift the Stock, except by conient of the Company or Council thereof after-fpecified. Granting and Committing, likeas His Majefty, by thetenour hereof, Gives, Grants and Commits, to the faids Companies and Societies fo to be Couftkute, and to all fuch Whom they or their Succeffors lhall admit or receive therein, full power to take and fifli, Herring and' White-fith in all and fundery Seas, Channels Firths, Rivers, Floods, Lakes, and Lochs of this His Mc fifh and iundry L _ and load the fame in Barrels and Puncheons ; and tor confervaticn oi the iaids Herring and Fiihes, to b turd" Houfes and httle Cottages, and other things neceffary for the uieof the faid Fiibing-trade, mwha't- fover places ffali be convenient, upon the paimentot the allowance underwritten, -unto the Lord pi Maiter of the ground , or otherwile. to iell , life and difpoie upen the faids Herrings and crittr fifths