Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/770

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Of the Acts , and Ratifications, paſt in this firſt Seſſion , of His Majeftie's Third Parliament and which are not here Printed.

  • PRoteſtation by ſome Noblemen, and Others, Commiſſioners from Shires , and Burghs, concerning their precedencie in the Rols of Parliament.
  • His Majeſtie's Letter to the Parliament, With the Parliament's Anſwer,
  • Act for yearly Fairs, and weekly Mercats, to ſome Noblemen, and Others, with ſome Proteſtations againſt the ſame.
  • Act in favours of the Laird of Langtoun, for changing a high way near to the Houſe of Langtoune.
  • Act in favours of the Laird of Langtoun, for Regiſrating in the records of Parliament , a Charter granted by King Robert the Second, to his Predeceſſours, of the office of Heretable Principal Uſher to the Parliament.
  • Act in favours of the Earl of Airley, againſt Maſter John Dempſter of Pitliver, anent a Preſcription.
  • Act anent the Election of Commiſſioners within Burghs Royal, for Parliaments, and Conventions.
  • Act in favours of the Town of Edinburgh anent the Conduit of water brought thereto.
  • Act diſcharging the theiking of Houſes within the Town of Edinburgh, and ſome Other Burghs Royal, with Straw, Bent, or Heather, and appointing the fame to be done with Lead, Scailie, or Tile.
  • Act anent the Mortification made be Thomas Mudie, for building a Kirk in Edinburgh.
  • Act in favours of the Earl Queensberry, anent a blank Bond given be him.
  • Act in favours of the Shire and Town of Dumfreis, anent a Cuſtom upon the watter of Nith.
  • Act anent the Salmond fiſhing in the watter of Nith.
  • Act anent the Commiſſioners fies in the Shire of Dumfreis.
  • Act anent the Lord of Belhaven.
  • Act declaring the Sugar-works at Glaſgow to be a Manufactury.
  • Act declaring the Woolen-work of the Searge, called Searge de Neim and others Stuffs erected be James Armour Younger, to be a Manufactury.
  • Act in favours of the Earl of Wintoun, anent the disjunction of the Lands of Wintoun, from 'Pencaitland, and annexing the ſame to Tranent.
  • Act in favours of the ſaid Earl, for exeeming of his Coale, and Salt, from bearing any Publick burden,
  • Proteftation be the Laird of Ormeftoun againft the fame.
  • Act in favours of the Lady Lockhart, againft her Son.
  • Act in favours of the Town of St. Andrewes, anent their ftent , and ftent Mafters.
  • Commiffion for revifing the Laws.
  • Act in favours of the Lord Lyon.
  • Act for Rectification of Valuations, and declaring that Coale, and Salt, is not to bear any part of the Supply. 1
  • Act refunding fome Articles of the Regulation concerning Advocats, Clerks, and Writters.
  • Act authorizing His Majeftie's privy Council to name and appoint Commiffioners of Excife, or Supply in the feveral Shires.
  • Act in favours of the Town of 'Inner 'nefs , for exacting a fmall Cuftom, at the Bridge thereof.
  • Act in favours of the Laird ofKinmundie , for exacting a fmall Cuftom, at the Bridge of Dee.
  • Act in favours of the Marquefs oSAthole , for exacting a fmall Cuftom , at the Bridge of Almond.
  • Act in favours of the Earl oiCfiiarr, for exacting a fmall Cuftom, at the Bridge oiTiUibody.
  • Act in favours of the Litfters of Edinburgh.
  • Warrand to the Laird otHoptoun for changing a high way , at the Town oUVinchburgh .
  • Act in favours of the Earle of Queensberrj , for disjoyning the Lands of Talvadock, from the Stewartry of Kirkeudbrugh , and annexing the fame to the Shire of Dumfreis.
  • Act in favours of CMungo Graham of Gortby.
  • Protection to Mafter William Dick, znd$h~AndrewT>ick.
  • Recom mendation to the Council . in favours of the Town of Dalkeith , anent their Bridge.
  • Recommendation to the Council , in favours of the Lady Comiftoun.
  • Reference to the Council anent the Earles oiCaithnefs , and Broad- Albain.
  • Reference to the Council anent the Towns of Anftrut her Weft er , Kilrainy , Cromarty , and Others.
  • Recommendation in favours of the Lady Bogie.
  • Ratification in favours of the Duke of Lennox and Richmond.
  • Proteftation Sit John Cochran, innameoftheEarlofDaWw^A/, againft the fame.
  • Proteftation Sir Iohn Quningham , in name of the Lady olObryan , againft the faid Ratification.
