Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/781

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Of the Kingdom of SCOTLAND,

By a noble Lord, John Earl of Rothes, Lord Leſly and Bambreith, &c. His MAJESTIES Commiſſioner:

For a new and voluntar offer to His MAJESTY, of ſeventy two thouſand pounds Monethly, for the ſpace of twelve Moneths.

At Edinburgh, the 23. day of January, 1667.

THE Eſtates of the Kingdom of Scotland, being by His Majeſties Authority met together at this time, and taking to their conſsideration the great hapineſs this King- dom doth, enjoy under His Majeſties Royal and Wiſe Government; with His Majeſties Fatherly care and tenderneſſe for all the Concerns thereof, expreſt in every inſtance wherein His Majeſty could have the lead opportunity to manifeſt the ſame: And eſpecially, inſo ſeaſonably provyding for their ſecurity, by the Forces raiſed this laſt Summer by His Royal Command, and maintained hitherto at His own Charge; of whoſe courage, fidelity and uſefulneſſe this Kingdom hath had a recent and clear demonſtration. And withall, underſtanding that His Majeſty is dill engaged in a juſt and neceſſary War; againſt ſo many powerful Ene- mies, who will probably endeavour the Invading of His Majeſties Dominions: Do conceive themſelves obliged in Conſcience, Honour and Duty to provide all ſutable remedies for defence of the Kingdom againſt all Forraign Invaſion, and other Enemies whatſoever: And therefore the Convention of Eſtates for them- ſelves, and as the Repreſentatives of the Kingdom, do revive and renew all the former engagements of the late Parliament, and meeting of the Eſtates, for the tender of their lives and fortunes, for the maintenance of His Majeſties Royal Greatneſs, Authority and Government in Church and State, as it is now aſſerted and eſtabliſhed by the Laws of the Kingdom. And in order to the entertainment of theſe Forces, which have been by His Majeſties care ſo ſeaſonably raiſed for defence of the Kingdom, or ſhall hereafter be raiſed by His Majefties warrand; They do humbly beſeech His Majeſty may be graciouſly pleaſed to accept their unani- mous, willing and chearful offer of a new ſupply of threeſcore and twelve thouſand pounds Monethly, for the ſpace of twelve Moneths, to commence from the firſt day of this current Moneth of January. And the E- ſtates do declare, that this ſupply is over and above the former ſupplies of four hundred, and fourſcore thou- ſand pounds, granted by the late Parliament to His Majeſty yearly, during His Lifetime: And the other ſupply of one hundred, and thirty three thouſand pounds, granted by the late Convention yearly, for the ſpace of five years: And which new ſupply of threeſcore twelve thouſand pounds Monethly, is ordered to be raiſed and payed by the ſeveral Shires and Burghs of this Kingdom, according to the Valuations in the year of God, one thouſand, ſix hundred, and ſixty, and at the proportions underwritten, reſpective: That is to ſay;

J * Thb'
