Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/801

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Of the Kingdom of SCOTLAND

Commiſſioners, are hereby ordained to accept and diſcharge their truſt, as they will be anſwerable; and that at their acceptation thereof, to take the Oaths of Allegiance; and for doing their duty faithfully in the matter of this adminiſtration: and to ſign the Declaration appointed by Act of Parliament, to be ſigned by all perſons in publick Truſt. And His Majeſty, with advice foreſaid, doth hereby impower the ſaids Commiſſioners, to preſcribe and ſet down ſuch rules and orders within the reſpective Shires and Burghes, as may be moſt effectual for the ſpeedy and eaſie raiſing, levying, and bringing in of the ſaid ſupply, and ordaining and doing every other thing that may concern the ſame: And particularly, with power to them to chooſe their own Collectors, for ingathering of the ſaid ſupplie, for whom they are to be anſwerable; and to allow them, and their Clerks, ſuch Fies (to be payed by the Shires and Burghes) as they ſhall think fit. And which Fies are hereby declared, to be over and above the foreſaid ſupply, and no part of the ſame: and which Collectors, and Clerks, are to take the Oaths, and ſign the Declaration foreſaid.

And the Kings MAJESTY, with advice and conſent of His Eſtates, Ordains all execution, real and perſonal, to paſs at the inſtance of the Collector General, and the Collectors of the reſpective Shires, and Burghs, againſt all perſons deficient in payment of their proportions as formerly. And alſo impowers the Commiſſioners by their Officers, to arreaſt, poind, and diſtrenzie, the Goods, and impriſon the Perſons, of the deficients, ay and while they make payment of their juſt proportions, and neceſſary expenſes. And for the more ready and effectual payment, doth alſo impower the Commiſſioners, and Collector General, to Quarter upon Deficients, with this porviſo, that every Horſe-man that ſhall be upon the place, ſhall have only free ſingle Quarter allotted to him upon the perſons Deficient, or by Quartering in Burghs and Villages, as the Commiſſioners ſhall appoint to be ſatiſfied, and payed by the Deficients, and not by theſe on whom they are Quartered, except where they themſelves are Deficient: and in that caſe, to have fifteen ſhillings Scots a day, from the time of preſenting the Order to the Collector, upon whom they are to Quarter, until he give them a liſt of the Deficients, and the ſums wherein they are Deficient, and thereafter to Quarter upon the Deficients: And each Dragowner, to have ten ſhillings Scots a-day: And each Footman to have four ſhillings Scots, or his Diet, as the Commiſſioners ſhall order; and the Commander of the Party of Horſe, Dragowns, or Foot, to have only double Quarter, or pay of an Horſe-man, Dragowner, or Footman, as he ſerves. And declares, that in order to the Quarters, and matters relating to the inbringing of this ſupply, any three of the Commiſſioners ſhall be a Quorum, and who are impowered to proportion upon, and raiſe from the Deficients, the expence and charge of their deficiency; and to ſee payment made to theſe on whom the Souldiers are Quartered, who were not Deficient. And further, His Majeſty, for ſatiſfaction of His good Subjects, is graciouſly pleaſed to declare, that all Officers and Souldiers, Horſe-dragowners, and Foot, ſhall make due and punctual payment of their Quarters, Local and Tranſient, as the ſame ſhall be appointed by the foreſaids Commiſſioners, according to the Rates of the Countrey: And in caſe the Souldiers do not pay their Quarters, that the Quarters be ſtated betwixt the Quarter-maſters, or other Officers, and any two of the Commiſſioners: And the accompts being ſtated, and fitted, that they be payed, or allowed by the reſpective Collectors, in the firſt end of what is due by the Shire, or Burgh, where the ſaids Quarters are owing, Providing the ſaids Quarters exceed not two parts of their Pay; and which ſtated Accounts are to be allowed to the reſpective Collectors, by the Collector General, and to be by him retained off the firſt end of the Troops, or Companies Pay. And in caſe the Officers remove before their Accounts can be ſtated, in that caſe the Collectors of the Shires, and Burghs are to retain what after tryal the ſaids three Commiſſioners ſhall find reſting, till the Accounts be ſtated in manner foreſaid; and the ſaid retention for Quarters to Commence from the laſt of November next, in this inſtant Year, one thoufſand, ſix hundred, ſeventy and eight. And His Majeſty, with advice of the ſaids Eſtates, doth declare, that no Perſons lyable in any part of this Supply, ſhall be holden to produce their Diſcharges, or Receipts of the ſame, after the tenth day of June, one thouſand, ſix hundred, and eighty ſix Years, unleſs where diligence hath been done by denunciation, before elapſing of the ſaid tenth day of June, one thouſand, ſix hundred eighty ſix. And the Convention of Eſtates doth declare, that this ſupply now granted to His Majeſty, is over and above the former Supply, of four hundred, and fourſcore thouſand Pounds, granted by the Parliament, in the Year, one thouſand, ſix hundred, ſixty one, to His Majeſty yearly, during His Life-time; and al's by and attour the remainder of any other Supplies, formerly granted, yet reſting unpayed. And Ordains theſe Preſents to be Printed and Publiſhed.