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Of the difficil words and termes, conteined in the four Buikes of REGIAM MAJESTATEM,
And uthers: In the Acts of Parliament, Infestments, and used in the practicque of this Realme, with divers Rules, and commoun places, or principall grounds of die Lawes.

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ACTILLA, Armour, Weapons, Hamishing, Sta.2. Robert Bruyse. c.ordinatum 27. Quhair it is statute that ilk man havand Ten pounds worth of gudes sall have for the defence of his body and Realme, ane sufficient Acton and basnet, with gluises of plait, anspeir, anesword; and quha-sa-ever hes nocht ane Acton, and basnet, sall have anesſufficient habirgion, or ane Irone jacke, an Knapiska of Irone, and gluises. Swa that ilk man sall be readie cum actilis & harnesiis suis, and the pain of escheit of all his guides, the ane halfe thereof to the King, and the tither halte to his Maister, and Lord. Acton ane aulde Frenche word, Hocqueton, quhilk corruptlie is pronunced Octon, sagum militare. Sum affinnis Acton to be an auld kinde of armour, for preservation of ane mans bodie, maid of Steill or Irone, quhilk covered his head alsweill as the rest of his bodie: Quhair of zit sum are extant as auld monumentes in the Hielandes; Bot nocht dailie used, or worne. Uthers mair probablie alledgis Acton, to be ane forme of armour, quhilk covers ane mans bodie (except his head) downe to his knee, maid of Taffitie, Ledder, or Linnen claith, stuffed with caddes, and stiked verie thick with threid, or silke of divers coullers, and partial gilt, with spranges or streames of Gold fuilzie; And is commonlie used in time of battel under the habirgeon, to save ane mans bodie, fra the schot of ane arrowe: or fra the bruisng of the straik of an fword. It is an kinde of that abuilzement, quhilk in Latine is called vestis virgata, variis virgis seu aureis linns distincta, & variegata, ut est illud Virgilii Æneid. 8 . Virgatis lucent sagulis.

ACTORNATUS Lib. 4. c. siquis defendens 46. actor, alienorum ltegotiorum gestor, utherwaies in the Laws of this Realme called responsalis Responsalis, quha makis answer for ane uther in judgement, speciallie for the defender, Lib. 1. c. Esto. 27. Lib. 3. c. Placita. 12. cum seqq. Like as Prolocutor is he quha speaks for the persewer,as his forespeaker. Lib. 1. c. consequenter 13.Proloqutour Alswa actornatus is he quha dois ony thing in an lither mans name or behalfe, As he quha compeiris for an uther in Courtes or Justice aire, to pass upon inqueistes, and serving of retoures, to the Kingis Chapel, or to give presence for him, quha sendis him. For he quha aucht baith sute, and presence in onie Court, suld nocht onlie send an sutour to decide actions, and causes, conforme to the Law, but also suld compeir personally, or send an Actornay, quhilk also he suld do, quha aucht presence allanerlie, for ather he suld compeir, or ane Actornay for him, with the seall of his Armes, the quhilk all friehalders, dwelland within the schireffdome, are oblished to do, in al Schireff courts. I. 1. p. 9. c. 130. In justice aires Actornayes, suld be honest and sufficient persons of discretion. Ja. 1. p. 3. c. 3 5. And Actornatus Justisiarii, is taken for the Justice depute quon. attach. c. præbosittus. 61. Ass. Reg- Da. c. nullus 16. Actornay is not onlie the procuratour quha is sent: Bot also the procuratorie or mandæ quhilk is given to him, and zit they are different, for an procuratorie is commonlie maid be ane privie man: And an Actornay called hitera Actor natus, is granted be the King, or onie uther, havand Chappell Stat. Rob. 3 . c. ult. generallie, in omnibus negotiis, loquelis, & placitis motts, sey movendis. And therefore the Lordes of Session decerned ane requisition of ane aire, anent his mariage, maid be ane Actornay, to be null. Because all sike requisitiones suld be maid be the superiour or be ane procuratout havand speciall power, to that effect.

ADJUJRNATUS, ane French word, summoned or called to ane certainedaie, like as Adjurnmentum is called an summonds or citatio summonitio, Quhilk is defined, certi diet & loci exhibitio partibus, ad diem legalem, quoniam attach, c. 1. Præceptormeus Matthæus Wesenbeuius. in paratitl. Tit. de in jus vocando. Nu. 13. definit citat onens, ut sit actus Judicialis, seu Judici præparatorius, quo is quem coram sisti opus est, Judicis mandato, legitime vocatur, Juris experiundi causa. Et Assisa dicitur adjornata ad alium certum diem. That is continued to ane certaine daie. Lib. 4. c. Si Petens. 57. & curia dicitur respectanata, That is continued or respleited. Star. 2. Rob; Br. c. Item quæcunque. 34. Chessanæus in consuetudines Burgundies Rub. 1. Sect. 6. verb. messiers or serients. Nu. 88. multa (inquit) sunt nomins, quæ idem important, ut est citatio, in jus vocatio, monitio, edictum, denunciatio, conventio, & aliud quod in vulgari nostro dicimus, adjurnamentum. Adjournal is the justicaire, as ane act of Adjournal, so called, because it is maid in the Juftice air. vid. Iter.

ADVOCATIO Ecclesie, Is the richt of patronage, or the tide and richt to present onie person to ane Kirk vacand, and nocht havand ane lauchfull Ecclesiasticall person to rule and governe the samin. Lib. 2.c. Dos. 19. Lib. 3. c. sequitur 30. Dicitur autem advocato Ecclesiæ, vel quia patronus alicujus Ecclesie, ratione sui juris, advocat se ad eandem Ecclesiam: & absent se in eam habere jus patronatus, eanaque esse quasi sue clientis loco. Vel potius cum aliquis (nempe patroniis) advocat alium, juresuo, ad Ecclesiam vacantem eumque loco alterius (veluti defunct) præsentat, & quasi exhibet. Avowson of Kirks In the English Lawes it is called, Avowson of Kirkes.

AFFIDATIO, Lib. 2. c. unde 49. In the quhilk place, Mutua affidatio, is taken for ane mutual faith, trueth, and obligation of fidelitie, quhilk is betuixt the wife and the husband. And sicklike it signifies the mutual league, and band of fidelitie, quhilk is betuixt the over-lord, and his vassal, quha are bound and oblished hinc inde' to uthers, quhilk is called mutua dominii & homagii fidelitdtis connexio. Lib. 2. c. mutua 08. in sik sort, that how far the vassall is bound be reason of homage to his superiour: sa far the superiour is oblifsed to his vassal, except reverence and ho- nour allanerly, for the ane suld ubey and serve his master I the uther suld interreine and defend his man. And the vassal suld honour and reverence his master as his superiour : But the master suld not reverence the vassal : for like as of the Law; there is na soverainrie, nor impyr amangis them that are pares; conforme to the rule of the Law, par in pærem non habet imperium. Even swa, the superiour is not obliged to make onie reve- rence to his inferiour, bot suld receive honour fra him. Diffidatio Item diffidatio (i. e. inimicitiarum capitalium denunciatio quhen ane defies an uther, and gives up kindnesse with him ) is contrair to Affidatio. Baith the ane and theuther is driven a fide, vel fidelitate : or fra ane word used in the fewes. Faida Faida, that is battell, seid, injurie, hatred. As we commonlie say deidlie feid. And fœmind dicitur faidam non facere, gl. in Sect. ult. de lege Conradi li. 2. defend : be reason wemen be the Law, are nocht subjeift to weir- fair, to battell, ot proclamation maid for that cause


The un-law or amerciament of a court, for absence in lawfull time, for
