Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/860

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T)e vcrborum Jignificatione. X)ux. Comti. Marchio. Ctmes Mar- tialis. Kathtti. Sfurim. 'Normand. I. $. c. t. N«. 7. Zafiusde Feud. Tit. qui Feudum dare pofiunt. Some callisBanrents them quha hes Baner rent, and divided in fundrie partes. Uthers callis them quha lies the rentorzeirliedewtieofanBar- ronne. And (Ik-like, fome underftandis them quha bearis the Kingis Baner in his hoift and armie : quhilk office and honour, perteins here- tablie, andallanerlie, to the Gonftable of Tlundie, the Kings Baner man. But all men when they are belted and maid Earles, are called Barronne Banrent, and Lorde of our Soveraine Lordis Parliament : Quhairby it is mafiifeft, that the faiddignitie is common to manie, and nocht proper to ane man : And therefore feeing Zafius in the place forefaid,vritis, that Ban-rent is ane dignitie concerning weir-fare : I think in my opinion, that Banrents are called Chevaliers of amies, or Knichtes, quha for obteining of great honoures, dignities or riches, hespower, or piiviledge granted to them be the King, to raife and lift up an Baner, withancompanie of men of weire, either horfe-men, orfutemen, quhilk is nocht lefum to ony Earl or Barronne, without the Kingis fpeciall licence, asked and ob- tained to that effeft 1 As HemieVafquier ^idvocat. lb.z.desre cerhesde la France, c. 9. Fol. 100. provis be money and fundrie argumentcs of the Biftorie of .France. And Doftour Thomas Smith, ane learned man, in hisbuike, anenrthe commoun weillof England. Lib. i.e. 17. Sayeth that Knightes, Banrentes, armaid in the fielde, with the cere- monieo( cutting of the poynt of their ftanderd, and making of it as it were ane Banner, they being before Bachelers, are now of ane greater degree, allowed to difplay their Annes in ane Banner, in the Kingis hoift and armie. BANNITUS, Banifhed for onie crime or uther caufe. Bannum, flgn ifles ane trumpet, in latin tuba,aswi'ms ^hiatus. I. z.parer.c. 2. ex Trocopio, I. 4. belli Terfici. And be the common ufe and confuetude of this Realm, quhen onie perfon is banifhed, or put to the home, the fame is done with three blafts of an home, or an trumpet. And for that effect, it is ftatute and ordained that the Kinges maire, orferjand fall have ane home and wand. Ta. 1 . p.7.099. tor with the home he denunces men re- belles, and with the wand, he receives them to the Kingis peace, quhilk therefore is commonlie called the wand of peace. ^4n Bannitus poffit-im- puni, ojfendi in corpore c bonis, vid. Cheffanaum-in confuetud. Burgund: K. 2. Sell, i.ver. confifcationis. N«. 7. cumfeqq. BARO, Ane Barronne. Zafius de Vend. Tit. qui feudum dare pof- funt, writes confbrmeto CorneliusTacitus, In Libra de Germania; ThatDax, or ane Duke, is the Governour of ane Province, or Armie, Comites, or Earles, are they quha are affeflburs to the Duke or Prince. SWA called a comitando, becaufe they accompanie the faidis Dukes, and never pafllsoufof their prefence. Marcbiongs, ar Marqueffes, Wardaines, orkeipersoftheBordoures: For Mark, Marche, inLatineX.M»ff, andMark-graveinDatche, is Co- mes Limitaneus. And all Marchiones dwelling on the Bordoures, or Marches, of the Cuntrie. As in this Realme the Earldomc of March, quhilk perteinis to OUR SOVERAINE LORD, As ane part of his annexed propertie. Bot Comes Martialis, orEarleMartiall, isane man of dignitie or jurifdi&ion, a matte, velbello: Becaufe the jurifdi&i- on ofweir-fare perteinis to him. -4lciatM libro de fingidari certamine. t. 32. Affirmis, that like as the Earle is inferiour to ane Duke, fwa ane Barronne is inferiour to ane Earle : And that Baro, cummis fra the Greek word Barus , gravis, wife, grave, prudent, and difcreit : Bot con- trariewife, Tetrus Vithoeus. Lib. 1. -ddverfariarum writis, That iignifiesanebaird, fuile, orun-wifeman. Quhais opinion, I cannot gudlie approve. BaldusinCap. Xnnotv.'t de eleBione, definit Baronem, ut fit quifquis merum miftumque habet imperium in aliquo caflro vel eppido, ex conceffione pfincipis. In this Realme he is called an Barronne , quha haldis his landes immediatlie in chiefe of the King , and hes power of pit and Gallous. B A R R A T R.I E, or Barrataria, ane kinde of Simonie, efpeciallie in obteining the richt of benefices. Socinus reg. 5 5. Baldusin confiliozt. Tart.$. Forallmenpafland to Roi«eandbuyeand benefices commits Si-

  • »0«ie,and are called Barratoures. Be quhome Barratrie is committed,and

quhat is the paine theirof, it is manifeft be the aftes of Parliament. It is ane Italian word,and be the Italiane interpretours of the civill Law, Bar- rataria, isquhen ane Judge corrupted be buddes ((Ik as gold and (liver) judgiswrangeouflie, tetrus de Raven, fingula. 156. andfwa doingfellis Juftice for meid and profite, and makis his office readie to be boucht be him, quha will give maift theirfore. -4ngel. de Syndicatu-tXa. 4. For the quhilk crime he mav be deprived, and fharpelie punifhed. Bartol..l.~M&- via. 1 i.Se &■ 1-nu.z. de. annu.legat. And likewaies Tarrattours in the Laws of England Si& nocht be fuffered to make fute, or to give judgementes or pronuncefentence or domes/anno 3. Edward 1. c. 32. BASTARDUS, in French Baflard, an barneunlauchfullie gotten outwith the band of Marriage. Quhilk word is barbarous, and (as I fup- pone) nareafone can be given quhairfore it is fo called. Bot Gabriel Vd- laotus, in his buik de not his, fpuriifquefiliis.c. 18. alleagis ittocumfra Bajiaris; quhilk (Ignifies ane huire, or common woman: Bereafonthat baftards are commonlie gotten and procreat with (Ik weemen, in Greeke he is called nothus, for tanotha (Ignifies that part of the fathers gudes 6c geare, quhilk be the law of the Athenians leafumliemicht be given be the Father to his baftaid fonne.extending to the fumme oimille drachma, and theirfore Nothoirwas called all that was not trew or lauchfull, as writes Bu- ieusinTandeBis. And fwaNothoscumsttuiao,privativa particulates* thei- OK,h.e. divirium, tefie Suida. Becaufe he wantis that quhilk is godlie and lauchfull, that isane honeft' and lauchfull birth, or parentage. Andfwa •nothos dicitur qui nonfit legitmusjo the quhilk their is na proper Latine word correfp..ndent,as OMintilianus te&itesb.1.c.6. Neverthelefs, he is commonly called Spurius, for in. 1. 1. £f. dt pojfts. contr. tabid. Spurii di- Spormt,, Spare.

di. cuntur para ten ftorav., h.e.Jlatione, vel feminatione,-eaque vaga,ey pro- mtfcua, t'.bi dottieres fporaden legimt, quafifparfim concepli, like as they are called vulgb concepti. .in.adoptivis. 14. deritu nuplian.m. Likewife Spurius was the proper name of ane man amongis the Romaines, as Titus, or Caius,znd waswritten with two letters Sp. and likewaies they quha had na certaine Father,was deflgned with the faids twa letters, S. and P. And fwa be common ufe and confuetude,.S/>;<W/ dicebantur fine patre, as writes Tlutarchus in prohlematibus, becaufe their Father and mother nocht being lauchfullie maried, they have na certaine Father : quia pater dicitur quern legitime nuptia demonjlrant. 1. <,.ff. de in jus vocand: And it is alike to have na Father.and to have incertaine Father,as we fay, he quha will have mo- nieGods,hesna God. Voflremb BlonAuslib.%. Roma triumphantis,it (in- quit) quitllegitime natus tjiet ex coucubinavel fcorto, contumelia caufa, jpurius dicitur, eo quid Sabini, muliebre pudendum fpor on appellarunt : hac Me Inhonefto originis generein lucemeditos, infami Zf inhonefla appella- tiorre notarevoluerunt veteres. And that part of weemens claiths, (Ik as of their gown, orpttticot, quhilk under the belt, and before, is open, commonlie is called, the fpare. As concerning the fucceffion of baftards, ^tj""'$ thir fchort rules are to be obferved, conform to the Law, and prafticque c^ g e A of this Realm. Firft na baftaid, nor na perfone, nocht procreat, and durum. gotten in lauchfull marriage, may onie waies be lauchfull aire and fuccef- B*ft*rim four to onieofour Soveraine Lordis lieges, lib.z.c. in cuftodits $0. for n ° n t oU I*- be the law of God ifmaell being baftard, gotten upon ane bound woman -Agar, micht not beaireto-^M/wB, with lfaak. Genef. 21.10. Be- caufe all richt of fucceffion is be reafon of bluid, and confanguinitie of the Father fide, quhilk is called jus agndtionis , and rheirfra ane baftard, quhais Father is incertaine, bethelawisunderftand, be reafon of bluid to be fib to na man, and nanc to him, C ubi nullus eji pater legitimus, ibi nulla eft agnatio ant fucceffio ratione agnationis. Secondlie thebairnesmaill, orfemale, lauchfullie gotten be ane baf- L'&'timil tard, with ane lauchfull maried wife, fucceidsto him as righteous and ^ °'r "r lauchfull aires, in his Lands, gudes and geare, in the famin manner, as cedunt, gif their father had been gotten and borne in lauchfull band of mariage, quia filius eji hares legittmns, quern nuptia demonjlrant. lib.z.c. incujio- diis 50. Thirdlie gif the lauchfull bairne maill or femaill of ane baftard, Fifius fim fucceides to him, and thereafter deceafis without lauchfull aires gotten ditfilUvtl of his awin bodie, or without lauchfull brother or fifter : and lauch- &,!* ' s ' full teftament and latter will maid be him, ail and haill his lands, guds and geare, nocht being difponed and analied be him in his lifetime,aucht and fuld perteine to the King , be the piiviledge and richt of his Crown : Becaufe, as faid is, there is na richt of fucceffion in this Realme, be the Mother fide, and the fonne or dauchter of the baftard deceafand as faidis, hes na perfone fib to him be his Father fide: And fva all richt of fucceffion ceafandbaith upon the Mother and Father fide* tarn ratione tognationis, quam agnationis, the King be reafon of his Crovn,is univcr- B"*"™?"'- fallfucce(Tortohiminhislands,gudsandgeare,as ultimas hates. potcR 'tm- Fourthly,an baftard being legitimat,or not legitimat, may in his lige pou- quar.lliter fty and induring his lifetime,annalie and difpone his landes, gudes and ttramdom geare moveable, and immoveable, toquhomhe pleafis, in the famine "**• forme and manner as onie perfon gotten in lauchfull bed may do be the Law. Fiftlie, all gudes moveable and immoveable of ane perfon borne bad Fifttu fiutt tard and deceafand baftard, without lauchfull aires gotten of his bodie,and d,t be fi"ri>. nadifpofitiontheirofmaidinhistime, perteinis as efchercc to the King, be reafon of the richt of his Crown, lib.z.c. quariaiite..:. si.leg.forejl, c.fibaflardtH. 50. de judic. c. fibaflardus. 54. Sextlie, Ane baftard being naturalized or legitimat be the King under B<*^»rAu& the great fcal, be the prafticque now ufed and obferved, hes allanerlie f/f'™'i""£ power to make teftament, difpone his moveable' gudes and geare, and ,; lim;, nominate executors, conform* to the Law of this Realme : be the quhilk Law, na man lauchfullie, or unlauchfullie gotten or borne, may Btfiarditsh" make onie difpofition in his teftament, bot of his moveable gudes allaner- Z"" 1 "** 1!* lie. For na man upon his death-bed, or in his latter-will , without con-; t( ^ fenr of his aire, may difpone ony part of his heretage. Lib. 2. cap. Poteft zi. cap. Cumqim. 36. Seventhlie, gif ane baftard legitimat and rehabled in his life-time, makis ane teftament lauchfullie : The King thereby is excluded fra all richt and intromiifion with his moveable gudes : Bot gif he makes ane teftament, quhilk is null and unlawful : Orgif he makis na teftament: The King be reafon of baftardrie, fucceedis to him in all his moveables, and unmoveables. For in this cafe, the effeft and power of the legiti- mation ceafis, and hes na operation. Auchilie, quhen ane Baftard deceafis without ony lauchfull teftament maid be him, or not havand aires lauchfullie gotten of his bodie: The Bona mohilh King, behisThefaurer, or ony uther havand gift and power fra him, **f^f'J^T may intromet with all the moveable gudes quhatfumever, perteining to theBaftard, thetimeofhisdeceafe, and not difponed be him in his life- time, as efcheit perteining to his Hienefle, be reafon of his crown and Kinglie power. , Ninthlie, Sick-like all landesand tenements pertaining to the faid Baf- tard, thetimeofhisdeceafe, ar.dhalden immediatlie of our Soveraine Lord in chiefe, after his deceafe perteinis to theKing, and the propertie tcma^inii- thereof, be deceafe of the Baftard, and be reafon of efcheit of Baftard- ferunmr. rie, belangand to the Crown, is confolidat with the fuperiority in the Kingis perfon -, in fik forme and maner, as gif the Baftard in his life-time, had maid refignation thereof,;'n the Kingis handes. j„ „/,•,„£„,_ Tenthlie, Concerning landesand heretage, perteining to ane Baftard, ,mmobUibm not balden of the King,bot of ane uther fuperiour,Spiritual,or Temporal; cxhahtjm the King hes richt of prefentation : Be the quhilk, after the deceafe of the f™/«wfi'| Baftard , he may prefent cny perfon quhom he pleafes , as heretable " tennenc Ttfttmcntmr. ilUgitwii fa. clam nan i ctaditfifium dcferwnmr. Bon, immo- bile. D. N. n:s