Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/872

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  • De verborumjignificatlone.

fuil proprijs,faifituS de terBc/a/fltSc outfagthiefc is an for a thief quha cums fra an uther mans land, or jurifdic~ti6,5c is taken! 6c apprehended within the lands pertenand to him quha is infcft with thelike liberty. In findry uther buiks it is written,that infangfhiefe is an liberty,to fit & deceid upon theft, committed within the jurifdictionofhim,quhaisinfeft theirwith, be his awin man,orony uther man quhatluever,taken therewith, withinhis awin jurifdidtion. And Out-fang-theife, is power or libertie to reduce, replege, and bring-hame to his awin court, all thieves being his awin men, and committand thieft within his awin boundes, quha ar fugitive and taken within ane uther mannis jurifdiction, with thefange, that is, hand ha- veand>and back-bearand,L«&. 4.c. Siquis 1 1, fLuoniam attach. c- nullus 22. ma- Quhilk fang in the civil law, is called fur turn manifeflum. Bot findry uthers nifeflitm. ar in the contrail' opinion.affirmand that it is not leafum to ony man hav- and libertie of out-fang-thief, to repledge or reduce his awin man, taken without hisawin libertie for thieft, to hisawin court, 6c there to do juft- ice upon him; Becaufe all thieves fuld underly the law, and be judged be him, within quhais jurifdiction the thieft is committed : in fik forme 6c maner, as is ftatute anent flauchter, & punition thereof. la. J. p. 2.C.S9. A- mangft the interpretoursof the civil law, I find the like controverfie in this mater. For. Nu.2.jf.d.furtis. Qjtocunq; ( in loco reperiturfur cum re furtivd, ibipoteft puniri- Velitti jurtumfaciens Flo- entice, Sireperititrin aliajurifdiBione, velutiMediolani, cumfurto,potefl a Mediolanenfibus puniri, fluhais opinion findry Doctoures followis, as writs Cheffanaus In confuetud. Burgund.Kubr.. Verb.fimple larrecin.Nu. 1 5. Albeit findrie uthers ar in the contrail* opinion; alleagand, that the thiefe fuld hepunifhedin the place quhair he commitis the thieft, et inaddi- tione ad Bartol. in. d. /4S. Conforme to the is ftatute be the Law of this realme, that ane thief of ftollen woodde, taken with the fang in an uther Lords lands>fuld be arreifted with the wood , 6c fall naffer the law in his court, fra quhom the woodde was ftollen. la. i.p. 2, c. 34, Mair-over. ane thiefe is ordaned to be punifhed in the place quhair the thieft was com- mitted, becaufe the crime may be beft tryed there, Stat. 2-R0i.Br.c4. INFENSARE curiam. That is, quhenthe judgeinformis the filters in fik things quhairof they ar ignorant. Quoni. attacb.cvbi ab aliqua. lo.Like as the civil law.Iatfex potefl fupplere eaqueadvocatis injure defunt. ITER, From Itinerare.b.e. Iter jacere: ^ts Iter carrier ari], The Chalmer- ^ lane aire, quhairof ane gud forme is written and extant in the buiks, con- The forme 0/ te j nan j ^ ^ a ^ * aw es of this realme. Iter iuftiiiarij, the juftice aire, quia aire ore' urt luftitiarius debet itinerareper regnum, as it is written in the Englifh lawes: For he fuld make courfe throw the realme, for miniftration of juftice, and ride in competent and eafie number, to efchew grievance, and hur- ting of the people. la. 2.p.6.c.2i. The juftice aire fuld be halden twifein the zeir- For King David fta- tute 6c ordaned, that the juftice 6c his deputes, fuld hald twa head courts Juliicc aire zeirlie. ~4ff". Reg.Da- cap.flatuit dominus- 18, Quoniam attach.c. fiatuit yy. Jktdfo halden AndtheKingis juftice, the Lordes of the regalities, and alfo the Kingis Tj-ire'""' Bailliesin his regalles, fuldhald their juftice aires twifein the zeir. lam. 2. parlia.3-cap.5- Univerfallie in all partes of this Realme, anis on the grafTe, and anis on the cornes. lam- 2-par. 1 3 • cap 94, lam. 4. par. 3.0 29. And over all theSchiresof the Realme,in the Moneths of Aprill,and O£ 1 i.c.8 1. Baith in the in-land, and alfwa in the lies, South andNorth Iam.4-par.6ca. 59- Becaufethe lies and inhabitants thereof, fuld be ruled be the Lawes of this realme. Ia.4-p-6.c79- luftice aires fuld be halden, for increafe of juftice and tranquillitie of the realme, for ftanching of combers, flauchters, riefes, thieftes, extor- For what fiones , and oppreffion of the Kingis lieges. And to the effect: juftice caufes juftice mav fa univerfallie, throw the haill realme miniftred, for punition of C l°MeI" ld hl the faid crimes, fik amhorific fuld paffe with the juftice, throw all the realme, to the juftice aires, that trefpaflbures; fik as men-flayers, rievers, thieves, and committers of uther enormities . in diffobeying, andlicht- lying of the Kingis lawes, may be punifhed without favoures. Iam.4- par. 3.C.29. Iam.3.par. 13. cap. 90. The juftice aire, or court being proclaimed at the Kingis command, to be halden fik ane day as hepleafis, in the head burgh of the Schirc: Dittay and Thejuftice fuld caufe dittay to betaken up behis clerkesdiligentlieand for ejv.hat faithfullie. For the dittay is the principall and chief fubftantial! poyntof crimes it may the juftice aire j and the juftice fuld lollow the ordour thereof betaken^. Dittay may betaken up, upon all crimes perteining to the juftice, and his jurifdiction, as is manifeft be the actes of parliament. Read the word Dittay. in the table of the faidis aires , and a!s upon the crime of lefe majeftie, or treafon : As the death of the King, fedition within the Realme; betraying of the Kingis hoift or armic; Breaking of the Kingis protection; fraudiull hiding and conceilling of ane huird or treafure; wilful fire, robbery, ravifhing of weemen, murther, flauchter, thieft, fore- ftalling, all kinde offalfedin doing of juftice; in money, a ffife weichtes, meafures, writs; And generallie, al uther like crimes, quhilkbethelaw, ar punifhed be death, or cutting of ane member. Lib. 1. cap. 2. Leg. Malcolm. Mak- cap.-}. ^iff.Reg.'Dav.c.nullus 17. de ludic.c.VLicitorum. S. Mair-over, the juftice generall, may fct particular juftice Courtes upon ony manerof crimes, quhen neede is, for punifhment of particu- lar laultes that occurris j Sik as recent flauchter, mutilation, ravifhin^ of weemen. Ojjhilk hainous andcapitall crimes, mav be firftcriminally perfewed before him. And as for the depredationes, ejectiones, fpuilzies, the famin being full civilie difcuffed before the civill judge ordinar; Thereafter may be criminallie perfewed before the juftice and his de- putes, at particular diettes, fet and appoynted therefore, or be way of dittay in the juftice aire. la. 5.p.4.c.33- Dittay may be taken up twa manerofwaies; privatlieandpublicklie; D ttay-mtiybc p or the juftice and his deputes may privilie take up dittay, be privie til' n rtn nv- . . r . n ■ r ^ i . . . f . J . Y. . taiijn ufjri- j n q U;(5 t i on of ma'efaftoures, and their r:ceipters, be the aith of three fj.i.tre.or pttv- '..--.,.. ... -. hckl.e. gud, honeft, 6c faithlull men, £c of the principall man; fik as the Chalmer- laine or offlciar within ilk village or town- Stat, ~4lex.c. 2. And mair-over, all Lords and heades-men ofall partes of this realme, fuld give up dimiy upon notour trefpaflbures, without exception of ony perfone, to bee taken and juftified withoutremiffion.I.3.p.i3.c.94. And fulde mak new relation there-anent to the Chancellar or juftice, quhen they falbe re- quired, la. 3. p. 14.C.98. Andgif they beconvift beane affile in the coils trair.they fall perpetuallie tine their court,!n all time cumming. Li.a..c. c[f. 2o.Jlat.lVilh.c.^if. 5. Secondlie.the juftice fuld direftpublickliethe brieve of dittay to the Seherefte and his deputes, for taking up of dittay, quhair- of thetenour followis. Wilhelmtts Cc. ]ufhtiarius Domini nofai regis generaliter conjiitutf.s, Vicecomiti C5" Hallivis fuis de. E. faktem. Qitia indillamenta Regia, Tl,e h'-.cveof Deo dace, decimo die menfis. N. proxime fi.turi, cum continuatione die- ' rum- apud. F. Infra vicecomitatumveftrum levari intendimus , vobisprte- cipimus c mandamus, quatenus fummoneatis, feu jummoneri faciat is , le- gitime coram teftibus legalibus, de qualibet baronia, duodecim vel quinde- cim homines, ad hoc opusmagi-s fvfficientes. Et de qualibet tenendria, feu •villa quatuor velfex homines. Et de quolibet burgo, duodecim, vel fex- decimburgenfes, ad hoc opus magis fufficientes, fecundum quantitatem lo- torum, ey numerumperfonarum, iniifdemexifien. una cum feriando, fa- hro, molendinario, brafiatore, & feBatore, cujufque baronia, villa? feu tenendria. Qjtodcompareani coram cleric is noflris, pluribus aut uno, di- Bis die C loco, cum continuatione dierum, adfurfum reddendum indiBa- tnenta regia. Et faciendum acfubeundum, id quod in hac parte, juris or- dorequirit. Etfitisvosvicecomes, Cf balliviveftri, ibidem, coram cle- ricis nofiris, diBis die cy loco, cum continuatione dierum. Haben. vobif- cum]ummonitioiiisveflr<eteflimo>iii<m, ey hoc breve. Vrovidsatis etiam pro expenfis diBorum clericorum, quits vobis in primis computis, de exiti- bus juftitiarice reddendis, faciemus plenius allocari. E* hoc nullatenus »- mittatis fub omni poena, qua competere potent in hac parte. Datum fub figillo officii Kofirijitfitiaria. fijihilk brieve, the Schireffe fuld reporte at the day appoynted, in the place , quhair the dittay fulde be taken up, to thejuftice Clerke, and twa witnesat the leaft with him, for to verifie the execution of the brieve, to be lauchfullie done, conform to the command of the juftice. Coform to the precept 6c command abone written; the juftice Clerke ane, or maa, conveenis the day , and in the place appoynted, and there remainis fufteincd upon theSchireffis ex- penfes (quhilk is allowed to him in his comptes. of the iflues 6c profites of the juftice airej and takis up dittay be the relation, and depofition of the perfons fummoned, for the giving up thereof- Quhilk dittay they fuld keip quiet, and fuld na-waies reveale the famin to ony perfon, nor tran- slate it utherwaiesthenit was given to them, nor change names, ane for ane uther: Nor put out ony (urth of the rolles; bot lauchfullie and trew- liefuld report and deliver the famin to the juftice, and his deputes. la. 2. par.6,cap.28. Dittay fuld be given up be vertue of the Kingiscom- miffion; direft to Earles, Lordes, Barrones, Knightes, and fpeciall Lan- ded Gentle-men : And be foure of the Councell of everie Burgh, quha fall mak 5c give up dittay, be their awin knawledge, or be ane fworne in- queft , or fworne particular men : Upon all perfones fufpeit culpa- ble of the crimes and faultes , perteining to the jurifdiftion of the jufticeand hisdeputes. lam. 6. parlia.n. cap. 81. fi.uhilk fuld be like- wife keiped quiet, and reported, as faidis, to the juftice. ^nd dittay be- ing taken up, upon ony crime againft ony perfones: Neither judge, bot the jufticeand hisdeputes, may mell there-with. Like as theWar- daine on the Bordoures , inhiswardainecourte > may nochtintromet with ony thing that pcrteinisto the dittay of the juftice aire. Iain. 2. par. 11. cap. 42. The dittay taken up, in maner forefaid; The juftice Clerke, at com- mand of the juftice, makis ane catalogue, conteinand the names of the The fortueus- perfones indited: And upon quhom dittay is given up, quhilk is called ane portuous. Togidder with ane uther Catalogue, quhilk conteinis the particular dittay, given and taken up, upon tranfgrefiburesandma- lefaftours, called the traifles : J?aith the ane, and the uther, is delivered be the juftice Clerke, to the crowner : To the effect:, that all the perfones quhais names ar conteincd in it, may be attached, and arreifted be him r 'J" s * < ' to compeir in the juftice aire, to anfwereto fik crimes as falbe im- put unto them. la- i.p. 1 3.C. 1 39.1a 3.p. 14.C.99. The crowner, in making his arreiftmentes- fuld pafle to the habitation and dwelling place of the perfones, given to him in portuous, and ^ Waci ,_- thereafter make proclamatii n at their Paroch Kirkes, upon feftuall rnentcs,ar- daies, and takefovertie of them, fik as he will ftandfor to the King, re-.ftments And git the perfones fwa arreifted, be nocht ftreinzieable; The Crow- "'d forme nerfall areift their glides, and put themin fure keiping,to the Kingis * e "°f- ufe : quhill the faici fovertie be founde : Or elfe take their perfones, and put themin the Kingis Caftell, gif ony bee within the Schire. And gif there be na Caftell , hee fulde deliver them to the 5chireffe to bee Aeiped. la. 5.p.3-c. 5. Andmair-over, becaufe findrie perfones indited, ufis to flie andab- fent themfelves; fwa that the Crowner can nocht apprehend them per- .'!. , fonallie, to arreift them. In that cafe, it is fufficient that the Crowner tJJJivcs. cum to the dwelling place of the faidis perfones,and make them warning, and charge to compeare in the juftice aire nixt following, to anfwere to fiA accufiitiones of crimes, as falbe im-put unto them. And thereafter upon the nixt Sabboth daye following the faid charge , the Crowner fall make open and publick intimation of his warning, charge, and premo- nition, maid to the faids perfones, be their names, in their Paroch Kirkes. fiuhilk charges, premonitiones , and intimationes , fall ftand to them for fufficient arreiftmentes, thefamin being lauchfullie proven, aseffeiris oftheLaw. Jam. 5-p.4-c.33. Andmair-over, git he cannocht attache ony man perfonallie,- be reafon of hisabfence; he fuld arreift all his gudes moveable, and un- moveable,