Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/881

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Tie verborum Jignificatime. fnfuo relevwerfirvitio defeudofuo, fibi Sunt quidam 73 But now be the common prafticque, the non-payment of the relieve, is na lauchful excufation to the fuperiour, anent the receiving of his vaflall But he will be compelled be precepts of the Chancellarie, to receive his tennente, or elfe he tynis the fuperioritie,induring his life-time. And it is leafumto him to poynde the ground for payment of the relieve. o«  releviumeftdebuumreale, & adh<eretfundo. The beginning and~the firft inftitution of the warde and relieve, was in the time of Mdcolme the ieconde, called Malcolme-Mac-Kenneth, quha gave all and haill the landes 01 this realme to the inhabitantes thereof, andreferved nathin<? to him- inpropertie; botonlie his royal power and the Mute hill of Scone, landes an- dliedlo be 'Alden of the tmaher and us aires. Landes anna- lied to be flat- ten of the ftt- crioiur. felfe quhairhcfuld bald Court, and receive homage, and fealtie of his vafl ialles : In recompenfation quhairof, all the Barronnes gave unto him, the warde, and relieve of the aire of ilk barronne, for his pviuceliefuf- tentation. IntheEnglifh Lawes, read in Magna Carta, ^nno.9. Hen. 3. cap.z. And the ftatute of wards and relieves, maid be-Ring Edward the firft. iS.zeirofhisreigne. REPLEGIARE, Toreplege, that is, quhen ony man, bevertue of his awin jurifdiftion, bringis back againe, orreducisto his a win court his awin man,fra ony uther mannis court, and lcavis ane plege, or cautio- ner behinde him, for adminiftration of juftice. vid. Ctilrath. It is not lea- fum to ony man to replege fra ony uther court ony perfon, bot his awin liegeman, or halding land of him, or remainand in his fervice, as ane of his familie or confanguinitie. Stat, Mex.c.^inno t-.Statut.z. Rob.Br. cab. u.^JJf.reg.Da.c.Statuit.37. RESEANT1SA, Ane feiknefle and infirmitle, quhairby onie man is heavilie vexed. Effonium de Rej'eantifa, idem valet quodexcufatio,demaloleBi, Beddeevill. Cum qttis morio ita afjli°itur, v.t fitleBoaffixus- In French, Lit. flat. 1. Rob. Br. c 5. In the Law of

  • tormandie.Lib.9.c.o- Effoinie, or excufation of Mdrefeant , is quhen

ony perfon lyand bed-faft in his awin houfe, or ony uther place, is heavilie vexed with feiknefle, that he may not travel! without danger of his life- In jure civili morbus Sonticns dicitur, quicujufque reiagend*, impediment eft, veluti jebris: Et legitimam excufationemac dtlationem pr<ebet. L. Clutefitum 60. ff. de re Iudic. Guilts Gellim. Lib. 20. cap. 1, ^ppellat Mor- bum Sontkum, quemlibet morbum vehementiorem,vimgraviter nocendi ha- bentem. RESPONDE, OrthebuikeofKe//>0M(/e. Itismaid and written be the dire&oirr of the Chancellarie. For quhen hee direftis preceptes to the Schireffe , to give failing of ony landes retoured before him to the Chancellarie : Hemakisanememoriallofthedait of ilk pre- cept, and dewtie of the lands; and commandis the Schireffe, to take fe- curitieforthefamin, during the time of the warde, and non-entres, and of the relieve auchtand to the King, gifthe lands be halden be fervice of ward and relieve. Or of the doubling of the few-ferme, or of the blench ferine, according to the halding of the landes, Quhilk buike zeirlie is prefented to the Checker : And ilke Schireffe, and uther judges, gi- vers of faifinges upon preceptes, direct furth of the Kingis Chancellarie, are charged there-with in their comptes, compelled to make aunfwere thereto, and payment of all fummes conteined therein ; for the quhilk caufe, it is called Refponde, quhilke is the firft worde of ilke artickle of the faid buik Further in the end of the faidis preceptes, it is (aid, prxfenti- bm poft proximum terminum minime valituris- And therefore, °f the obteincrof the precept furth of the Chancellarie, lye out and take nocht laifing upon the famin, quhill ane termc and maa be by-run after the dait thereof, he fulde come againe to the Chancellarie, and raife ane new precept, quhairin is augmented the by-run mailles of the lands, fen the dait of the firft precept, and ane newe memoriall or Refponde , is maide thereof. RETOUR, quhombcitismaid, andquhyitis fa called, vid.breve de morte antecefforis. REGRES, from Regrediendo, like as REVERSION, arevertendo: For like as the buyar of landes, lettis them returne to the feller thereof, be the reverfion given unto him. E- ven fwa be the regreffe of the fuperiour of landes wed-fet, be his vaflall, after the redemption thereof , fuffersthe firft feller of the famin to come back again to his awin place, anent the halding of them as he did before the faid alienation. Swa reverfion and regreffe are different, for reverfion isgiven be him quha buyis the lande, CumpaBo de retro-vendendo, to the annalier thereof. In French it is called, J«s reacheptusot reachept. And ane regreffe is given be the fuperiour of landes,to the annalier thereof, quhair- by he promifis to receive againe him , or his aires to be his vaflalles , as they were of before, quhen it fall happen ony of them to redeem the faids landes. 27. November 1 567- George Halyburnton , contrare the Laird of Haltoun- And gif ony man annalies landes under reverfion , to it is generally to be obferved, that quhaire ane regreffe is required, ane " ew [ ai ' ln g i s neceflare. In auldc times, the reverfion was conteined in the chartour, as is manifeft be divers chartours, zit extant in the re<nfter, given in the time of King David the fecond: conteinand the tenour of the reverfion after the claufe, Tenent. <y habent. and uthers aulde char- tours in the forme after following. OMNIBUS hoc fcriptumvifurisvel audituris. I.dominus de^. Saktem in domino. Noveritis me concefiiffe, impignorafie, <zr ad immobile vadium d'mififie.zrhocprffentifcriptomeoconfirmaffe, nobiliviro. KdeF.Om- /lI'Zl nes terras measde^. cum pertinent lis, inbaroniade C. infra vicecomita- "Lunandane tumdeB.provigintiMarciUtfuaUs moneu Scotice, mihi per prtdiBum -Reverfion. I', tempore cmfeBionis pr<efentium, ad opus meum valde necefarium, gra- tantermutmtis, C in ufusmeos converps. habent. prtfato V. baredtbusfris ©" affignatis a me btredibus meis c afiignatis in feodo O* b£reditate,cum omnibus commodttatibusjibertatibus, C afiamentis ttcju- fhspertinentiisqnibufcunq; adeo liberie quieti , plenarie , ©v honorific^, ben ^^»pace -.ficut ego ve I prt-diceffo res mei.p rrfatas terras cum pe rtinen- tusMbenus aut quietius tenui,autpoffedi, tenuerunt, autpojiederunt, aliquo tempore prtterilo. Etfemper quoufq; egoprtdtBus I. bsredes mei, vel met afiignativigmti marcas pr*fat<e monet<e,prcediBo V. hxredibvs fuis,velfuis afiignatis, in uno die int erfolis ortum esf occafum ejufdem,aptidAbYdcae in Ecclefia parochialt ejufdem-,fuper magnum altare.jimul Sffemel.perlohero vel perfolverint fine fraude.Fn-,aibw,firmis,vel quibufcunq; alits cemmodi tatibmfieu emolumentis medio tempore per pr^dtttum V. h^redesfuos vel af. fignatos, perceptisvel percip endts, levatisvel ievandis, indicia fumma vi- gittti marcarum.attt ejus foluttone, nullatenus computandis. Hjitia dedi con- iefir,v afiignavi prxfato V. h^,^ affignatis, omnes prJfatas firmas,fruttitt, &■ alias commodates quafcunque, C emoltimenta de dittis terns cumpertinentiis, Movement, toto tempore, quo pratdiBa: viginti Mar- C£ ( utprtmittitur) nonfuennt perfolutx : ex mea libera donatione , e>* fuis confiliis, auxiliis, & gratitudinibw, multiplier nnhtfaBk&'impenfis. In quibuf-quidemterris cum pertinent, prxfato V. tradidifaifinam, e> poffeffionem corporalem fibi, hxredibus fuis, & affigna'. tis.juxta tenorem pre fentis fieri pti remanfuram. Ego verb prtediBus. I hee- redes mei caffignati, tolas terras prtdtBas de ^t.cum pertinent, prtjato V. hjeredtbus fu:s <y affignatis, juxta vim, tenorem e* effeBum, prtfentis fcripti ; In omnibus & per omnia, contra omnes martalesvarran- tt^abimi-s, acquietabimus, V defendemus. Incujus reiteftimonium huic pr^jentifcriptomeo, figillummeumappofui, & propter major em rei evi- dentiam, figillam Andrea Giffard, tunc aldermanni de Abirdene, prtfenti- biuapponiprocmavi. ^tpud Abirdene 23. Auguftj ^tnno Domini 1419. TeflibusLaurentiode^bernethie, Vomino de Rothemay, Domino Wilhel- mo de Lundoris vicario de ^birkerdour, cum multis aliis ad prtmiffa fpe- cialitervocatis. But now the Chartour is given be the fellar or the lands and the reverfion be the buyar thereof, feverally, fealed and fubferived be them, and the buyar keepis the chartour, and the annalier keeps the reverfion. Quhilk forme appeares to have the beginning in the dayes of King L*»wej the third, quha in Aisaftes of parliament, p. 5. 2o.November, cap-27. callis the buying and felling of landes, be chartour and failing' and taking again of reverfions, ane new invention, and for the mair fe- curitie, ordainis all reverfions to be regiftrate, vid.Sterlingus. vid. ra- dium. , SCACCARIUM, the Checker, in French Efchequier, the place quhair theKingis rentes and patrimonie,alfweill properties carnalities, is in- brocht,compted and received, and the profites of all landes fallen in the Kingis handes be reafon of warde. Lib. z.cap. Si verb dominus. 46 Some callis it the foveraigne and fupreame court, in the quhilk all caufis & adi- ones are decided in the fecond inftance, fpeciallie in the cuntrie of Kor- mandie : For it is written in the la we of Normandie. Lib. 1 5. c. 1. in fine That Vhilippus pulcher, did inftitute twa parliamentes in Varis, and twa Checkers in Roan. Vaulus JEmilius writes.Scaccarium to be as it were, Sta. tarium.quod homines ibi in Jure fiftantur, vel quod (it Stataria & perennis curia, cum cetert curU effient indiBivx, nee loco, nee tempore flat ce. As writes Bud<eus in ^Innotationibus in PandeBas. Be reafon as faid is the Checker was ane certaineftablecourte, and nocht deambulatoure, or runnand fra time to time , or fra ane place to ane uther • As the Seffion of this Realme was before King James the Fifth. Q_ui infiituit Statariam curiam, cumanteaeffetindiBiva: Be reafon it did fitthrife in the zeire quhair and quhen it pleafcd the King. Uthers thinkis that Scaccarium is fo called, afimilitudine ludi Scacchorum : that is, the playe of the Cheffe- becaufemonyperfonesconveenisin the Checker to pleye their caufes^ 1. to contrare uthers, as gif they were fechtand in ane arraved battell onhrH? bebaldenofhim and hisaires ane regreffe is not neceffar: For they is the forme and ordSur of the faid playe. Jus Normlnd.L A , .' S being; afterward redeemed, he quha nrftannalied them, recovers the i-c-^ ft.l ii.:j1- ■ . Y ' . i »fj,wo.i>. cap. 1. Seata. property theirof, without ony new faifing.and the fame returnis to him, 6c is confolidat, with the fuperioritie quhilk he referved to him and his aires, the time of the alienation- But git ane man annalies landes to ane u- ther, under reverfion to be halden of the fuperiour, and the bvar there- of obtcine infeftmente, and faifin" halden of him : The annalier there- by is denuded of the propertie, and alfwa is na langer vaflall to his for- mer fuperioure, and can nawayes recover his former eftait, but be re- demption of the landes , conforme to the reverfion granted be him quha boucht them. And alfwa bee ane regreffe, given to him be the fuperiour : In the quhilk caife it is neceflare to him, quha firfte anna- lied the landes , and there-after redeemed them to take newe fai- finge, To the effefte, the propertie quhilke was firfte annalied, may returne to the feller. And that he may halde the famin landes in ehiefe of bis fuperiour,and his aires, as he did before the alienation. And in fine. Uthers alleadgis, that it cummis fra ane aulde Saxon wo'rde, Scata, aswritis D. Thomas Smith: quhilk fignifies treafure, taxation' orimpofte, quhairof, and of uther carnalities, compt, and reckoning is maid in the Checker- maide i is and 1 the Checker. Quhilke compte (like as all uther comptes)" n fik forte and forme, that tabula: accepti, that is, the chaise, ai.u, that is the difcharge, arequall, and fie £ qui, becauferhe compter hes given furth na mair, nor he hes received : and alfwa hes °- ven als meikle furth as he hes received. Cuhilk is called ftriare rationes, and this compter is called Tariator, I. tilt. §. idem quefiit de condiB. indeb. I. penult. §. conduBere de jure immunitat- Orelsthe chargeand difcharge areinequall, infikmaner, that the compter hes received mair nor he lies expended, and fa at the fute of the compt, he is found reftand awand certain fums up ta^en be him, and not given furrh, quhilk is reliquare rationes, and this compter is called reliquator, and is oblifhedrc%naj»- ferreto pay the reft auchtand be him, I. creditor 102. §. Valerius de H feltitionibus. Pariare ra- tiones. Pariator. -Reliquare ratiorits.