Page:The Laws and Acts of Parliament of Scotland.djvu/97

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FOVRTEENTH "PARLIAMENT. Firft of October. 1487. 79 1 1 5. Commijfion for examination of the Lawes. ITEM, The haill three Eftaites kes committed full power ofthehaill Parliament to die perfones under written, toadvife, commoun and refer againe to the nixt Parliament or Generall Ccmncell, anent the re- duction of the Kingis Lawes , Regiammajejtatem, aftes, ftatutes, and uther buikes to be put in ane vo- lume , and to be authorized, and the lave to be deftroyed , viz. Four for ilk ane of the three Eftaites, and the Prelates ar accorded to make the coafte, of their Clerkes: And the Barronnes the expe.nfes of their per- fones. And the Burrowes of their Commiflioners. FINIS. ANE TABLE Of the TARTICVLAR ^ACT S atdfutheris, maid be KING JAMES the Thrid, qubilkis ar nocht ^rented. Firft Parliament, ninth of October, die zeir of God, ane thoufand , four huudreth , fextie fex zeires. ANent the mariage of oar Soveraine Lord. Kjitietit bairnes put in fee of the land. For in-bringing of money within the Realme, Second Parliament, xxxi. of Jauuar. 1466. Licence to Merchandes topajfe to Middle-burgh with their gtides. Fourdi Parliament, xiv. of Januar. 1467. tyinent fitting of SeJJlons. That there be twa Sejfions. Qf fitting and authorizing ofjujlice aires. it Fifdi Parliament, xx. of November. 1469. The Setter-day and utter vigils to be halie dates, tyfnent the reduction of Hq/pitalles. That Ferriers make Brigges. iSext Parliament, vi.ofMaij. 1471. Of Cartes of weir to be maid, iSevendi Parliament , ix. o,fMaij. 1474. %_Aiie Embajfadour to England. That all complaintes be Jter/ewed before their Judge Or dinar. Aucht Parliament, xx. of November. 1475 Ofjujlice aires twife in the zeir. Anent the mariage of our Soveraine Lordis Sifter. Tenth Parliament , vi. of Auguft. 1477. Of flauchter. Of the money. uAm