Page:The Laws of the Stannaries of Cornwall.djvu/43

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  • Francis Basset, Esq.
  • Francis Godolpbin, of Treveneage, Esq.
  • Wm. Robinson, Esq.
  • Roger Polkinghorne, Esq.

The several wholesome laws and constitu- tions following were declared and enacted.

We the said four and twenty stannators elected and chosen by the four mayors of the towns of Lostwythiel, Launceston, Truro, and Hwlstone, and by the council of the said boroughs, according to their ancient pre- scription and usage of the said stannaries, and assembled as aforesaid, took into our consideration the articles following; viz.

1. The consent of sixteen stantors to binding.

1. For that the unanimous consent of the full four and twenty (according to the letter of the charter of pardon) may not be had to every ordiance propounded, to the end that our endeavours for want of one or a few voices shall not fall to the ground, we follow- ing former precedents and usage do agree, constitute, and ordain, that whatsoever pro- position shall be affirmed and concluded by sixteen voices or more, but not under, the same shall stand and be binding as the act of us all.

2. Resolutions of the judges, 6th of James, 1608, to be entered in a book, and copies taken by the stewards and published.

2. We think fit that the resolutions de- clared by the learned judges, anno 6 Jacobi Regis, one thousand six hundred and eight, and enrolled in the high court of chancery, should be enrolled and entered in a ledger book for the stannaries, and that copies thereof should be taken by the several stew-

ards of the stannary-courts, and entered into
