Page:The Legal Code of Ælfred the Great.djvu/15

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A. Manuscripts of Alfred's Code.

925—50. E. Ms. of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, No. 173. P. 65—104, Code complete.

1000—25. Ot. Ms. of British Museum Cottoniana Otho B XI. Three burned leaves, reset as 49, 50 and 52—3. First leaf of Code, XXXVI (40) to XXXIX (43), and last leaf.

1025—50. Bu. Ms. of British Museum Burney 277. A double leaf: XLIV (Ine Introd.) to LXVH (Ine 23).

1075—1100. G. Ms. of British Museum Cottoniana Nero A I. Fol. 45a—48a and 51a—57b, Code to Introd. 49,5.

1100—25. H. Ms. of Rochester Cathedral called Textus Roffensis. Fol. 9a—31b, Code complete.

1125—50. B. Ms. of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, No. 383. P. 13—42, Code incomplete, beginning to IV (3) and XXXVE (41) to XXXIX (43) being wanting. — Also p. 6, the shorter and p. 83—4, the longer, text of Peace between M. and Guthrum, Appendix C.

B. Editions of the Code.

1568. Lambarde. A P X A I O N O M I A, sive de priscis anglorum legibus libri, sermone Anglico, vetustate antiquissimo, aliquot abhinc seculis conscripti, atque nunc demum, magno iurisperitorum & amantium antiquitatis omnium commodo, è tenebris in lucem vocati. Gulielmo Lambardo interprete. Londini, ex officina Joannis Daij. An. 1568. (4 to).

Fol. 0b—44a Code with a free Latin translation by Lamb. (0b Ines æ. Leges Inæ Regis; 18b Præfatio in leges Aluredi regis; 26b Ælfredes æ. Leges Aluredi Regis.) Text from unknown sources. Cf. p. 17 and p. 23. — Fol. 44b—46a gives longer text of Peace betw. Æ and Guth., slightly different from B.

1644. Whelock. (2nd edition of Lambarde.) (illegible text), etc., as above. Gulielmo Lambardo interprete. Sexcentis in locis a libro ipsius castigata, quo pro exemplari utimur; cum multis aliis additionibus. Accessere in hac nostra ultima editione leges Henrici primi, nunc primum