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and criminal, women are iniquitously privileged at the expense of men. As it is, many an unhappy male victim of modern sex-prerogative would doubtless be only too delighted to be allowed to partake of a little of the dire oppression under which he is told unfortunate Woman is groaning, but from any share in which he sees himself to his detriment excluded. Mr. Hardcastle found his guest's new-fashioned shyness bore a strong resemblance to old-fashioned impudence, and our male victim of pro-feminist laws and tribunals may well be excused for failing to distinguish between this new-fashioned oppression and old-fashioned domination.

In conclusion, we would advise the Feminist guild to ignore our pamphlet with its tale of infamy. It is their only chance of gulling their sentimental dupes any longer. Let the latter once know of our sketch, and their game is up. For those who have read it, and who retain the vestiges of an open mind on the subject, the maundering farce of "down-trodden woman and the brute man" will be played out.