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B.C. 45, ÆT. 61 that he had to be kept.[1] But I didn't quite "tear his cloak"[2] in my efforts to keep him (for I remember that expression of yours), and they were a large party and I was not prepared. How did that help me? Soon after came Gaius Capito with Titus Carrinas. I hardly laid a finger on their cloaks; yet they stopped, and very à propos (though by chance) Capito fell to talking about the enlargement of the city: the Tiber is to be diverted, starting from the Milvian bridge along the Vatican Hills: the Campus Martius is to be covered with buildings; while the Vatican plain is to become a kind of new Campus Martius. "What do you say?" said I, "why, I was going to the auction, to secure Scapula's pleasure-grounds if I could safely do so." "Don't do anything of the sort," said he, "for the law will be carried.[3] Cæsar wishes it."[4] I didn't betray any annoyance at the information, but I am annoyed at the scheme. What do you say to it? But I needn't ask: you know what a quidnunc Capito is, always finding some mare's nest: he is as bad as Camillus.[5] So let me know about the 15th:[6] for it is that business which is bringing me to Rome: I had combined some other pieces of business with it, which, however, I shall be easily able to do two or three days later. However, I don't want you to be tired out with travelling: I even excuse Dionysius. As to what you say in your letter about Brutus, I have left him quite free to do as he likes as far as I am concerned: for I wrote yesterday to tell him that I had no occasion for his assistance on the 15th.

  1. I.e., to dinner.
  2. Both German and French have equivalent expressions; but I do not know of any in English. I agree with Dr. Reid in referring this proverb to a remark of Atticus which Cicero remembered.
  3. This scheme was never carried out, though both Dio (43, 58) and Aulus Gellius (13, 14) say that Cæsar did enlarge the pomærium.
  4. The horti Scapulæ which Cicero wanted to buy seem to be included in the new district that Cæsar meant to make into a Campus Martius, and so Cicero would have been obliged to surrender them, probably at a loss. See p. 296.
  5. C. Furius Camillus. He was an authority on property law (vol. ii., p. 237).
  6. The day of the auction of Scapula's horti.